one: meeting robbins

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[ You are a new resident at Seattle Grace Mercy West. Set at the time of the merger. ]

I'm late, of course, for my first day of residency at my new hospital, great.

As I walk through the parking lot of the hospital I will hopefully finish my residency at, I start getting excited, at least that's what I'm telling myself.

Obviously, I am nervous. What if they don't like me? Well, they probably don't considering I'm late, ugh, why did I have to sleep over my alarm? I'm actually so stupid. What if I'm shit at my job? What if I spent all this time studying and it's all for nothing? Actually, fuck it, I'm great, I know I am.

I brush myself off and continue walking with my head held high. I feel the atmosphere change as I walk through the large doors of the hospital.

Wow, Seattle Grace Mercy West. I'd heard several things about this place that made me so grateful to work here. When I found out that the hospital I was previously working at, Mercy West, was merging with this hospital I was so excited even though that meant I had to leave my boyfriend, Loughlin, at the time. We were already trying to make it work with our conflicting work schedules and this change would make it even more complicated. So I decided it would be best not to be together. He seemed to disagree so it didn't end the way I wish it did. He ended up-

My thoughts get interrupted by a blonde lady yelling at me.

"You're late!"

"I know I'm so so sorry, I just-"

"No, stop. I don't care for your excuses," she interrupted me, looking very disappointed. "You must be y/n l/n because everyone else is already here and ready to go."

"Yes, that'll be me. I'm so sorry again, all I have to do is change and I'll be ready." I force a smile on my face even though I am extremely embarrassed.

"Ok, you better hurry, I'm not waiting forever." She replied.

"Yes, Dr..." I try to read her name on her coat.

"Arizona Robbins," She says quickly.

"Yes, thank you, Dr Robbins." I chuckle.

She nods in response and I hurriedly walk to the locker room to get changed into my scrubs.

I sigh,

She definitely hates me.

[ 2 days later, 12 pm] —————————————

I have spent the last couple of days on Dr Arizona Robbins service and for some reason, no matter how much I try, I cannot get on her good side. She continues to get mad at me for no reason and I keep overthinking everything I do around her because I don't want to make her hate me every more.

"You can go now, l/n." She dismisses me with a blank face.

"Oh, why?"

"...It's your lunch break."

"Oh," I laugh. Her face remains expressionless.

Why can't she simply just smile at me or laugh with me? Am I really that bad?

I gather up enough confidence and decide it is finally time to talk to her about it.

"Ok, sorry. Robbins, did I do something wrong?" I ask her.

"Excuse me?" she says in response.

"Did I do something wrong? To make you hate me..."

"I don't hate you, l/n."

"Then why are you treating me like this?" I ask trying to gain a better understanding.

"It's not you." She sighs.

"Then, what is it?"

"...the merger." She responds.

"Are you sure?"

I'm not sure if she is telling the truth because everyone I've talked to about her says she's so nice. So why me? What did I do?

"Look, I'm sorry if I've been treating you any less than you should be treated. I've had a lot on my mind recently."

"Ok, you know what it's fine. I'm just checking, I want to know if I ever do anything to make you question me as a person." I reassure her.

"Ok, now go enjoy your lunch." She gives me a slight smile. I smile back and head to the cafeteria.

Maybe I'm making progress with her. She smiled at me! Ok maybe it was a small one but it's better than nothing!


thank you for reading! 
this was my first chapter i've ever written so i would really appreciate reading any criticism you have for me!

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