two: on-call room

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I sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria and some of my previous friends from Mercy West joined me. I sigh as I start pushing my food around on my tray.

"What's wrong, y/n?" April says as she looks at me with her endearing eyes. She's been my best friend ever since my internship.

"Oh what? Nothing," I reply, trying to reassure her nothing is wrong. I can see she can tell that I'm faking it and I just hope someone starts talking about something else.

"So... Did everyone feel like they screwed themselves over here or is that just me?" Jackson asks everyone at the table but seems to make longer eye contact with me smiling.

"No, literally me. I hate it here!" I laugh and stroke his arm, glad I'm not alone with this. April nudges me underneath the table and looks at me with the concerned eyes that she always gives me.

"Can you stop giving me that look!" I yell.

"What?" April says trying to act like she has no idea what I'm talking about.

I'm honestly so sick of it, she looks at me like that all the time. Like I'm some child that needs to be taught how to act normal. I may love her but that doesn't stop me from finding her extremely condescending at times. She has always been better than me, academically, socially, anything, actually no, not everything. She is way too concerned with how other people see her. And for me, I don't give a shit, I'm grateful for that.

"Fine, then tell me what you want to say, April."

"Well I obviously can't say it here," she leans in and whispers to me.

I drag her into the bathroom that is connected to the cafeteria.

"Now go," I say to her waiting for an answer.

"Ugh fine," she says reluctantly, "You can't seriously be flirting with Jackson."

"What? So, you're monitoring my behaviour now?

"What no! I'm just trying to make sure you don't hurt someone."

"And what makes you think I will?" I ask caught off guard.

"Ok never mind, forget I said anything." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Can you stop that? Please just be real with me for one second."

"Ok. Your last relationship, how did that turn out?"

What the fuck April.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask her seriously.

"You left him! Imagine how he felt after that?!"

I was so shocked by what she was saying to me that I felt tears full up in my eyes.

"You don't even know what he did to me," I replied desperately trying to keep the tears from falling.

"Please, you were the one that left him all by himself. You know I really liked him and he didn't deserve what you continuously put him through." April said back to me.

My tears overfilled my eyes and felt them fall down my face. I ran out because I hate people seeing me cry. I walk as fast as I can to the nearest on-call room because the tears start to continuously fall. As I open the door to the on-call room I bump into Dr Robbins.

"Oh!" She exclaims.

"Oh, sorry." I stumble trying to hide my face.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She says looking at me, her face looking more concerned than her usual blank expression.

"What? Yeah, of course. Why would anything be wrong?"

"y/l/n, come on. Your face is all "I've been crying"." She empathises, tilting her head.

"We all cry, big deal. I'm fine." I reply, trying to reassure her. "Excuse me," I push my way past her holding the door open and Robbins turns around to face me again.

"Y/n, I know I'm your attending but you can talk to me."

I turn around to close the door and I'm still faced with those eyes. Those concerned eyes I'm so used to... Just not from her.

"No, you have a lot on your mind, right?" I asserted.  She opens her mouth to add something but before she can, I shut the door on her separating us both.

[ 9 pm ] ————————————————————

I gather up my things and get ready to leave the hospital for the night as Lexie enters the locker room. 

"Hey," she says as she approaches me.

"Hi," I respond with a smile.

"How was your day?" 

"It wasn't the best, still getting used to this hospital I guess," I laugh.

"Yeah," she chuckles, "I hope everyone hasn't been too brutal to you guys from Mercy West."

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll get better."

"So um, a group of us residents are heading out to Joe's for some drinks, wanna come?" She asks genuinely. 

"You know what, sure."

"Cool, we'll be outside."


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