Dictionary of the Language of the People of the Sea

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The people of the sea have two languages, one that is used underwater: Veihlsdinhu, and another that is used outside the water: Regemdinhu. The second is older and has fallen into disuse. There are few speakers of Regemdinhu remaining. Only high-ranking people use it and just for official business. After becoming a human, Erunestian speaks in this language since the other one consists of sounds that humans are unable to produce or hear.

(The dictionary will be updated as the story advances)

-Double consonants are pronounced as in Italian

-The umlauts are pronounced as in German, as well as the combination of the letters CH.

-The rest of vowels and consonants sound as in Spanish, except for the letter H that is pronounced as in English.

Regemdinhu - English

Alai.- Hello

Amchuis.- Dragon

Amräi.- Morning

Arden.- Earth (element).

Ardenlanig.- Earth, world.

Ardennen.- people of the earth.

Atrag.- Fire.

Bheim.- . To be.

Brunag.- To dance.

Cheagh.- High, tall.

Dëa.- Honorary title. Suffix used to refer to a young lady.

Eru.- God

Etreie.- Air

Glü.- Water

Guenne.- Fluke tail.

Ielig.- ice

Ienan.- creature.

Igrud.- destiny.

Iliniem.- Big, immense.

Irid.- soul.

Iridlanig.- Tatar, territory of souls.

Kin.- skin.

Kön.- Time

Khuenne.- Woman, wife.

Khuentach.- Pure hearted person.

Lanig.- Territory.

Lërma.- Long

Main.- Night, moon.

Manglülanig.- Sea, ocean.

Mangluienan.- People of the sea (singular).

Mannen.- People of the sea (plural).

Nem.- Nothing

Ná.- Only.

Odavayanna.- South Pacific Ocean

Öch.- But, however.

Reghnem.- Nobility

Sheiru.- To sing.

Sîmrli.- Blue eyes.

Sonna.- Day, sun

Suru.- spirit

Surëma.- Hips

Tinei (tinem) .- Lesser Gods

Tinkinei.- gold, precious metals. (From tinei and kin. Literally "skin of the gods". Metals have the color of the skin of the gods)

Traiu.- honorary title. Suffix used to refer to authorities.

Tramlig.- purification, calamity, storm

Tryglienten.- City of glass. (Better known to the men of the earth as the mythical Atlantis)

Tsveis.- To see.

Veihs.- People, tribe

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