Chapter 3 ~2 weeks later~

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a"Thanks ma! I wont be out too long!" I yelled once more before closing the front door. Today was my day off so I figured I'd spend some 'Me' time. I couldnt drive, mom was busy, I have absolutely nothing to do. Figures, back in New Jersey me and Sam'd head out to any club doing crazy shit. Now I'm here.

I was walking around when my phone started ringing. "Hello?" i answered. "Hey Jen!" Ruth said in her high diva voice. "Oh hey! Wats up?" "Dude i found this sick club by the pier! How about we go out?" she said with enthusiasm. "Uggh! Finally!" i groaned," ever since I came from Jersey, I havent gone out anywhere!" i responded. "Great, about I meet you down at the shops in about...half an hour? We gotta go buy dresses you know?" she suggested.

I agreed and we ended the call. Half an hour later, I walked towards the stores meeting her at the corner of a fancy pizza restaurant. We spent pretty much all day shopping for a right dress. We ended up going into this small boutique and that's where we decided on our dresses. I picked out a black skin-tight dress with navy blue heels while she wore a dark, almost black, red dress with black heels. It was 8:25 when I snapped. "Fuck! I havent called my mom!" i exclaimed immediately pulling out my phone. 4 missed calls mom. "Well call her right now dumbass!" Ruth said as I began dialing. "Mom? Oh my God I'm so sorry! I went out shopping with my friend Ruth and totally forgot to call you! Im sorry!" I kept repeating into the phone breathlessly. The reason I worried so much was when my mom doesnt know where I am is cause then, she becomes a bitch. Despite all that temper and loudness...its because she cared. She's probably the only person who's ever cared for me more than herself aside from Sam. Sam. I missed her. "Honey, honey, honey! Its okay, at least now I know where you're at! I trust you!" she explained. I couldnt make out exactly why she wasnt yelling at me or calling me things by now.

We talked and I ended up saying I was going to stay over at Ruth's for the night...while we actually went clubbing...illegaly. We got to Ruth's house and got ready up until around 9:00. She had invited another one of her friends and took off. We then got there and Ruth whispered something in the security's ear. He let us right in. Immediately after entering, you can already smell the ciggaretes and heavy alcohol. All the people dancing like animals smashing their bodies together.

I noticed the clubs here arent like any regular club in New Jersey. These were more lit up and energetic. 3 hours into the dancing I did and the couple of drinks I took, I was wasted. I didnt get completely drunk since I was kindof used to it. " I'll be right back! I'm gonna get some air!" I yelled at Ruth over the loud music while she plastered with some guy. She knodded and I walked outside squishing through all the people towards the exit. As I got outside, I walked around towards the back of the building. It was surprisingly quiet and empty. It was cold as hell, but it was better than getting a bigger headache. I didnt understand why it hurt...but it did. I stood in front of the back wall as I held my head, feeling my entire body immediately begin to tremble. It must have been around 60 degrees out.

I was about to take my heels off my aching feel when I see a figure appear from behind the wall at the corner of my eye. I immediately gasped thrusting my head towards what I saw. A tall, curly-haired guy walking towards me. Probably around my age with an intentional smirk on his face. I could swear I'd notice him from somewhere...I couldnt put my finger on it. My heart immediately started pouding as I mentally cussed at myself for having the nerve to come out here with a tight short dress alone. As he got closer I spat out, "What the fuck do you want!" "Woah babe, calm down. I just wanna talk.." he explained. "Get the hell out of here! Go away!" I practically yelled. He kept walking towards me. I turned to walk away quickly when he immediately thrusted forward grabbing my wrist. I tried to pull away when suddenly he forcefully grabbed both my wrists pinning me onto the wall. "Get the hell off me you ass!" I yelled squirming in his grip.

His grip only tightened as he quickly thrusted his lips onto my neck. I gasped at the action whining, "Please! Just let me go!" He then started sucking. I bit my lip HARD making sure not to let out a single moan. I eventually failed. My breathing got heavier as my heart raced faster and faster. A slight tear ran down my cheek. I could have sworn I was gonna pass out. I was scared. I havent been scared in so many years, why now? He started going higher by my jaw line, thats when I snapped. I kneed his stomach, he let me go and I ran inside with the pain in my feet. I pushed through all the people running towards Ruth and her friend, which took my a while to find. "There you are! Are you okay?" Alissa asked, noticing me jumpy. Ruth was absolutely drunk. I didnt respond, walking towards Ruth. "We need to take Ruth home!" I yelled over the loud music. She agreed helping me carry her and as we walked out, I glanced to my side...there he was. A few people away from me, just smirking. I quickly drew my attention back to Ruth and carried her to the car.

Seeing it as no choice, I had to drive. I dropped off Alissa then drove to Ruth's house. It was hell having to carry her inside. I threw her on her bed and I ended up sleeping on the couch.

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