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Steve was acting strange. He'd left me with Tess and said he'd be back to pick us both up in a couple hours. Tessa had spent the last two hours making me dress up, much to my protest.

When I had walked out of the bathroom in my bra and underwear, Tess had a short black dress in one hand and a pair of heels dangling from her fingers in the other. "What the hell are you planning?"

Her smile widened into a terrifying grin. Again, last time that smile happened nothing good had happened. "There's a party tonight and you are going with Steve. No protests, you're going." She handed me the dress, setting the heels down by my feet. "Get dressed and then I'm doing your hair and makeup."

I couldn't really fight her when she gets an idea in her head. She was way too stubborn for that. "Makeup, I trust but my hair? When have you ever done your hair?"

She paused, biting her lip before slowly nodding her head. "You may be right. You can curl it yourself, can't you?"

"I mean, I can but I hate how my hair looks curly. It looks way better on you, maybe I can do your hair and you'll do my makeup." I pulled on the dress, turning my back to her and pulling my hair over my shoulder for her to zip it up.

She zipped up the dress and took a step back. "I don't know. I don't think I'm going tonight, I'm really sore after Wanda beat me to a pulp in training."

I turned to face her, taking her hands in mine. "You don't have to lie to me, Tess. It's because Bucky is going to be there, isn't it? Steve and I can always throw his ass out."

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Steve and I? You really do like my dad."

I felt my face turn hot. Did I? He was sweet and compassionate but did I like him that way?

"Maybe. He's been super helpful with Wakanda. Even though I thought you'd be the one showing me around. You're a horrible best friend." I teased. That damn grin spread across her lips and I felt my jaw drop. "You did that on purpose! You had Steve show me around instead of you so we'd spend time together!"

She placed her hand on her chest and gasped. "Whatever do you mean? I wouldn't do that."

She was acting normal. Being her bubbly happy self but I could see under that mask she had up that she was really hurting. Anyone who hadn't lived with her, hadn't heard her cry in the middle of the night when she thought nobody could hear wouldn't have noticed a difference but it was painfully obvious to me.

"I wont push you to go, but if you do want to we can get so drunk that the thought of any man problems don't enter our minds."

Tess needed a night to let loose. She needed to stop worrying so much about what others want her to do and focus on what she wants. What she needs. She deserved to have fun without worrying if Steve would be disappointed or if Bucky was going to be there. To hell with Bucky if he thought I'd let him keep her from her favorite places.

Tessa laughed softly and patted the back of my hand. "I can't get drunk, remember? Super soldier thing, my body metabolizes it too quickly for it to have any affect on me."

"Okay, just think about coming? The only person I'll know is Steve."

"I'll think about it. But the others will love you. T'Challa especially. I know you met him once before but he'll love you."

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