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Steve hadn't been confident that she would show up. I hadn't been either, after the conversation we'd had while I was getting ready. She had said she wasn't coming but she did. I knew Tess and Bucky would make up. What I hadn't expected was Natasha's dramatic entrance.

She stood in the middle of the room, staring at the door after Bucky and Tessa had been long gone.

I knew Tess was my friend but the pain on her face was one I had known all too well. I couldn't count how many times I'd seen that exact look in my own eyes. She truly believed that Bucky was meant to be with her. Something I also had experience with.

Steve took a step towards her, my hand grabbing his bicep to stop him. "Let me talk to her. Maybe I can help her." I said softly, not taking my eyes off of the heartbroken woman. I was moving towards her before Steve even had a chance to speak.

Natasha frowned as I approached her, the pain replaced with caution. "If you're here to defend your friend, walk away."

"That's not why I'm here, Natasha. I want to talk to you. Cut through the bullshit going on and figure out how I can help. Believe it or not, I've had a soulmate mix up too."

Her arms crossed over her chest, eyes narrowing. "It's not a mix up. They're bad for each other. She pushes him away but pulls him in when someone else shows interest."

I felt the urge to snap at her bubble up but pushed it down before the words left my mouth. "I know it may look like that to us, but they love each other. Fights are normal in a relationship and I know you may not want to admit it but Bucky is Tessa's soulmate. Yours is out there somewhere and when you find him it'll make sense why you weren't meant to be with Bucky. Someone out there was meant to sweep you off your feet."

Nat's eyes seemed to soften. "How do you know that?" Her words were barely audible.

"I thought I had found mine. He wasn't and it was a mistake. I'm sure you don't want to think about it but you're meant to be with someone else. Bucky's told you how he feels and now, the only thing you can really do is let him go and find the one you'll love. Plus, fighting with Tess won't be good for anyone. She's a very stubborn woman and I honestly think the two of you would get along really well if you could move on from the fighting."

"I highly doubt that. She hates me."

"Right now, yes. Only because you were making moves on the man she loves. She may be stubborn but she's also forgiving. Not many women I know would forgive someone who had kissed another woman. If you talked to her, I think she'd understand. I promise, you'd get along." I smiled at her, holding my hand out. "Now, enough with the deep stuff. I haven't properly met you yet. I'm Rune."

She hesitated before shaking my hand. "Natasha."

"I hate to interrupt, ladies but we have a problem." Steve's voice cut in, his tone was heavy with worry. "Wanda's leaving to see Vision and I think something's off. She didn't give me a day she was coming back."

"I thought she was going to her room. I saw her in the hallway." Nat faced Steve, no emotion showing in her face.

Steve nodded, crossing his arms. "I had thought that too."

"I don't understand, who is Vision?"

Steve sighed softly. "Wanda's love. Since we're on the run, Wanda's not supposed to be around him for more than a few days at a time. Tony could possibly track Vision."

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