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I knew it was wrong of me.

I never should have left with Wanda, I shouldn't have left Rune by herself, but I was so excited to see my father and see everyone that I had grown so close to before everything with Bucky turned sideways that I didn't think about it until I woke up the next morning and realized there were no more morning trips to get pancakes and no more racing to the coffee pot to have the first cup.

I hadn't realized how much of an impact that Rune had made on my every day life until she wasn't in it anymore.

I decided the next morning that I'd find a way to bring Rune back with me. I knew she hated the apartment we shared and I knew that she would much rather be here than in Seattle. It was all she had talked about since telling me the truth the night that Bucky broke in.


I wasn't sure how he managed to wiggle his way into every thought I had, but it was driving me absolutely crazy. I needed to stop thinking about him or I knew that I would simply give in to the man who seemed to call to me. I couldn't let myself just fall under his charms once again.

I had to keep my mind on getting Rune settled into Wakanda.

Just watching her as she took in the glory of Wakanda was enough to distract me from the broody soldier I had once thought that I could change.

Her eyes darted everywhere, her mind trying to take in everything at once, which meant she took in absolutely none of it. I then remembered why I had adored the woman so much.

I smiled to myself as she cradled her tiny ragdoll kitten to her chest. She whispered to the mewling kitten, trying to calm her down. There had been a very small window of time that I had been upset with her after learning she had hidden her mission from me.

I couldn't figure out why she would hide it until I spoke to T'Challa and Steve a few days after I had arrived back in Wakanda. He had told me a bit more about her ex boyfriend. More than Rune had told me in the months we had spent together.

Apparently, it had been easy for T'Challa to employ the red head, but accepting my request of bringing her to Wakanda had been a bit much for him. It broke many of the rules in place but none that hadn't already been broken by my father since he brought Bucky into the country.

"Tess, we're about to land. I'm going to take Rune on a tour of the new base where we'll all be staying." Steve lowered his voice when he stood in front of me, yet I was sure that there was at least one other person on the jet that could hear him. Super soldier hearing was a pain in the ass.

"I need you to make sure her room is ready before we get done. I'm sure she'll be exhausted from the long day." Steve tried to keep his voice down but nothing would get past Bucky's hearing. It would be too easy for him to get me alone today and my resolve threatened to crumble every time I was alone with him.

That was the entire reason I tried not to be. It would only lead to another heartbreak and possibly a broken nose. Not mine though.

"Can't I go with you? I mean, she's my friend and I am the one who got T'Challa to say yes."

The quinjet door hissed open as I spoke, the king of Wakanda strolling into the jet with a smile on his face. "You didn't get me to say yes, you went to Shuri and convinced her to help you. My sister is very stubborn when she wishes to be."

Steve raised an eyebrow, trying not to smile. "You didn't tell me that part."

"All I did was ask Shuri for a little help. And that she could have Rune test some of her new gear." I tried to be as nonchalant as possible, although I was sure Steve and T'Challa saw right through it.

Rune hadn't even noticed the king, her head hadn't stopped moving for a single moment as she looked at all of the tech that was far more advanced than the stuff she had known.

"Tess, you were faking right?" She asked softly.

"Faking what?"

She turned to look at me and I knew she was getting ready to rip me a new one. "You came to Seattle and could barely work a Roku remote but you lived here? How are you tech challenged?"

I opened my mouth to defend myself, until I was cut off.

"She was too busy trying to learn to operate the microwave." Shuri's thick accent interrupted. She pulled me into a tight hug before turning to Bucky. "You didn't ruin my arm, did you?"

Rune turned to me, confusion and awe in her eyes. I knew that feeling all too well and it was very common to see when someone new met Shuri.

Bucky didn't turn around to answer her, he just grabbed his bag. "No, it's fine." He answered as he walked past her, off the jet and into the compound awaiting us.

"Tess, can you-" Steve began.

"Yeah, yeah. Play damage control for his wounded ego." I cut him off as I grabbed my own bag, exiting the jet after him. "Because it's totally my job to ease the mind of the guy who cheated on me." The harsh mumble left my lips before I could stop it. Regret filled my mind as the realization that Steve definitely would have heard me hit.

Bucky had a head start and his angry strut has never been exactly slow. Thankfully, I was able to catch up with a quick moment of jogging.

"Bucky, I get that your angry but there's no reason to have an attitude with Shuri. She's only ever tried to help you." I tried to keep my voice calm and friendly, but even I heard the bitterness in my voice.

He didn't bother to look at me. "I tried to hide it. Apparently I'm not as talented as you are at hiding my emotions." He didn't try to hide his anger.

"Don't start. I was able to keep my lips to myself. Even when we weren't together, I didn't betray you. Can you say the same?" I suppose I was done playing nice.

He stopped walking and turned to face me, blue eyes blazing with anger. "I am trying! You completely shut me out!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that pebbles at a window was a perfect apology for letting another woman kiss you. How about I go kiss Sam? Would you be content with rocks at a window?"

"You kiss Sam and I swear to god, I'll-"

"You'll what? Get in a fight with him and watch me defend him? Sounds great." I dropped my bag, cupping my hands around my mouth. "Sam? Where are you?"

Bucky grabbed my arm, his warm hand firm but not tight on my bicep. "Tessa! Stop. What do you want me to do? Get on my knees and beg?"

I ripped my arm from his grasp and picked up my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. "Maybe. It would be a start. You want to be pissy with me, that's fine but don't ever take your anger out on Shuri or any of my other friends, nothing you do will be good enough to make up for it. Yell at me, great but they had nothing to do with your choice in actions."

He started to speak, but I was already walking away.

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