dudes second part

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Uzi showed up at my hotel door at ten this morning, pounding for a good fifteen minutes before I finally relented and let him into my small room. Ella was in his arms though she seemed determined to escape. "Hurry up and shower, were having you over for brunch and Kim should be done cooking within the hour. Especially since I have the baby."
"Why can't you just let me get some fucking sleep?" I growl sinking into the desk chair in the corner of the room.
"Because kim wants you to eat with us, and so do I. Now shower up and get dresssed."
I protested but he won out, so now I'm sitting across from baby Ella at their kitchen table, a large plate stacked high with food in front of me. Only I can't focus on the food because my best fucking friend just suggested I rent a room that'll leave me with a roomate "no fucking way. I don't care who this friend of yours is I'm not getting a roommate!" I see Kim doing it again biting her tongue to keep in her opinion "spit it out kim. What ever you say I'll forgive because this fucking moron you're engaged to is my best friend"
Kim glances back at Uzi who simply provides a shrug. She scowls at him for a moment before turning back to me. "Really what I'm thinking has nothing to do with this." I fix her with a hard stare until she relents with a sigh, "PTSD is a hard one especially once the nightmares set in. You're constantly on edge from a lack of sleep but it feels like every time you close your eyes the images start. You can see it all unfolding again, you hear the noises smell the scents and feel the sensations. Then you wake up and everything should be good right? But its not because scents and feelings and sounds are making those same inages flash when your awake. And suddenly you feel like nothings safe."
I just stare a moment before ignoring her spot on insight and deciding to focus on the roomate issue, "Uzi why do I even need a room? Doesn't this security gig come with one?"
Uzi frowns, "it will. That is once Kim gives the go ahead on your mental state." with that Uzi shovels food into his mouth.
Kim chooses now to speak up, "it shouldn't be long. You know paper work all the security require mental clearance."
Uzi speaks up again around a mouthful of eggs, "so in the meantime we need to get you out of that hotel."
"I like the hotel." I mutter, "Why can't you clear me now?"
In responce Kim just gives me a be serious stare. "I still see no reason for a roomate." I grumble.
"Listen, its happening, now lets enjoy our meal," Uzi uses a tone I know better than to argue with causing me to begin stabbing at my food.
After breakfast Uzi and I go out on the back porch. Uzi's yard is as nice as the house. The house is a quaint looking two story thing that has more than enough rooms for them. Out back there's a manicured green lawn with a hand made wooden deck over looking it.
I happily accept the beer Kim offers as does Uzi. I pop my bottle and take a swig as Kim hurries back inside to Ella. "I really don't want a roommate Uzi," I say while watching the swing in the yard blow from the wind.
"Too bad. It'll be good for you to get used to other people being in the house, and she's a really cool chick." Uzi responds as he nurses his own beer
"Then why don't you go live with her?"
He slaps the back of my head, "Shut up and face the fact that you're doing this. Besides if you can live with her maybe Kim will believe you can live with Jet. Think of the whole thing as temporary."
I sigh and run a hand down my face. I have no desire to live with this woman, but if it'll help me get to work..."What's her name?" I ask closing my eyes and tipping my head back as I down the rest of my drink.
"Seriously? She tattooed you and you didn't even exchange names?" he asks. I shake my head slightly and hear Uzi sigh, "Her name's Cristina."

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