chick 2

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"Listen, I will call the police if you don't stop calling. Just leave me alone." with that I angrily press end call and turn around to find Uzi and my new roommate Josiah. "Any chance you plan to leave that alone?" I ask as I go around them to the kitchen and grab a water.
"No way in hell. Even if I was inclined to Kim would kill me," Uzi says as he leans against the counter.
"It's nothing. I'm handling it. Lets just get you moved in," I say turning towards Josiah for the last part.
Josiah just looks between the two of us until Uzi speaks again, "For now but this will be addressed."
"Whatever," I huff. "I got the rooms ready. It's all pretty decent. Here's the kitchen, obviously, and where we just were was the living room. There's a guest bathroom that I'll point out along with my room, but you'll have your own upstairs. Other than that there's the basement which I only use for laundry so feel free to use the space along with the washer and dryer of course. There's an attic, but I use it as a studio so I'd prefer you avoid it. Now lets go get you settled," I say jogging past them and up the stairs of the Victorian mansion I only bought and began fixing up under six months ago. Even with that I only moved in a little over a month ago, it took a lot of work to even get the place livable. It still needs a TON of work, but the rooms Josiah will use are fairly finished and my rooms are inconveniently livable.
I run through the house like a familiar obstacle course, avoiding creeking steps and recently fixed floor boards. I only turn to warn the other two as I avoid the orange outlined part of the floor, "Don't step on the boards in the orange," I warn as I take a left.
I turn around and smile as I reach the end of the hall. "The door to my left is the hall entrance to the bathroom and to my right a spare room to do as you please, and behind me the master bedroom," I say as I open the door and walk in. "So as you can see this room is fully furnished, if you don't like the furniture just tell me and I'll get it out for you. There are extra pillows and blankets in the chest at the bottom of the bed. The closet in the bathroom is stocked with towels and wash clothes. Again anything you don't want just let me know and I'll move it. The other room's empty um...oh shit."
Both men raise a brow at my outburst but I simply turn and head to the bench under the bay windows on the far side of the room. I lift the top of the bench off and sure enough they're there.
I turn back around, "I'm so sorry, I thought that I got everything. You can check the rooms out while I get these out of here. Once I get them out I'll show you around the rest of the house," I give him another smile before turning back to the bench.
I've just started gathering books in my arms when the footsteps approach. I turn to face a looming Josiah, "really go ahead and check it all out. I thought I'd gotten everything out, then I remembered these. I'm just going to toss them in my room then I'll finish the tour and get out of your hair," I tell him with a smile as I turn to continue gathering books.
"After all you did to get this place ready the least I can do is carry a few books for you," Josiah says from behind me.
"Oh no. Really you don't have to-" I rush the words out but they're cut off by Josiah grabbing me by the shoulders and moving me away from the books.
"It's happening," he says as he easily gathers the good thirty books I had stashed away into his arms.
I sigh and relent as I stand with the mere three books I'd grabbed before he moved me, "Ok, but try to step where I do. This house is...still under construction, and I really don't feel like replacing more floor boards tonight," I relent with a sigh as I begin walking to my room. Josiah's side of the hall is fine, meanwhile mine is filled with rotting boards and all kinds of other disasters just waiting to happen. My hall is a mirror image of his as far as the way rooms are set up. I kick open the door to the room beside my bedroom, which I basically just use to store a bunch of stuff. The door whines as it flies back, revealing the mess with in. The floor is dual colored, not in a cool patterned way, in a I've-only-replaced-the-floor-boards-I've-broken way. Basically some are brand new while others are rotting and ready to give way. The walls have a few holes I've yet to plaster, along with one huge one. Basically someone wanted to connect this room to the master bedroom but never finished so there's just a huge hole in the wall between the two. On that side of the room I have stacked random boxes and furniture that I don't have room for. In the middle of the room there's renovation stuff, paint, tools, nails, boards and a bunch of other junk. The other side of the room acts as my closet with roll away bars I hang stuff on.
I scan the room and spot a nearly empty box not far from the door. I dump the contents, namely painting supplies, with the renovation stuff in the middle of the room. I plop the box back onto the ground and dump the few books I'm holding into the box before stepping back so Josiah can similarly drop his arm full of books.
Unfortunately as Josiah drops the books I make a miss step that almost sends me through the rotting ceiling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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