Deleted scene - The Stadium

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You turn to stare at the other team.

"Haein do you think we could KO them?"

"You definitely can," She mumbles. "Don't hold back."

"Even if I start smelling?"

"You didn't smell-"

"I turned my aura down."

She stares at you. "Were you..."

"Yeah I didn't want to trigger your nose." you grin.

"Then... it's alright." She smiles. "Beat them up."

You beam, and you turn to look at the Japanese S-ranks.




"Aura" your voice drops.

[Player one has released aura]

The air around you all visibly chills, and Jinwoo even shudders slightly. The ground around you glows yellow, and the chairman recognizes this scene.Surprisingly enough, Haein doesn't seem to be overwhelmed by your smell, but rather your strength.

"Baruka." You call.

The ice elf appears from the ground, and you grin. "I'll let you have my dinner if you get their wrist before me"

The elf stares at you and grins.

Something about your aura or something... you end up grabbing one of their member's wrists without a fight.

"Ah? That easy? I thought you guys were the strongest?" You tilt your head innocently.

Damn right I'm a powerful ass bitch and no one can stop mE!

"Loosen up you guys," You laugh. "Aura"

[Player one has reduced aura]

The people finally start gasping for air.

"Ah shit did I release..." You worry.

"That was," Haein pants. "Really cool! You didn't smell or stink, but your aura is terrifying when released."

"I'm sorry," You smile.

"It's alright."

"Hunter Y/n," Baek Yoonho walks up to you. "Are you a hunter... who never stops evolving?"

You turn to him, this time with a cheeky grin."Hunter Baek."


"Absolutely," You laugh. "Human bodies are weak. People try their best, but some just aren't built the same as everyone else"

At the same time, Jinwoo's aura is sensed around you.

Goto Ryuji shakes just like in the manhwa. You almost smirk at him.

"Jinwoo you're scaring the poor S-rank."

"And? You nearly suffocated him to death. Even I was shaking from it." Jinwoo wraps an arm around your shoulder, and you grin.

"How does it feel to be dommed?"

"I like being in charge better," He snickers.

"Whatever you say," You shrug.

"Get back to training!" Someone calls.

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