Chapter One

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Okay so quick disclaimer, I dont own any of the charaters, unless stated. Also I am putting a warning here. There will be death (they die-) , curssing and there may be other triggering themes.  So read at your own risk. Im also sorry if I get ages wrong. Im not the most familiar with MCYT ages irl or in the plot.


3rd POV

  An average 16 year old was walking home from school when it started to pour and they could hardly see infront of them. Wanting to get home as fast as possible they decided to take a short cut through an alley. Long story short that 16 year old was stabbed and left to bleed out.

  They started feeling numb and as they thought about their life... they realized that they didnt care. Their parents were constantly fighting and never had time for them so they wouldn't care, they haven't talked to their older brother in 6 years after he moved out at 18, and their little sister didn't even acknowledge them unless she wanted something. They simply... didn't care if they lived or died.

  After all, why live if you have nothing to live for? To have no family you can say you love, have no friends to hang out with. They lived day by day, without having a reason to push themselves. To be honest... they were okay with dying. They have nothing to live for. At least because they were the one killed someone else who wants to live wont die. Someone who is loved wont have to be mourned.

  The only wish they had, was that they could have found a place to call home. Not the house where their sister and parents lived, where they were treated like they dont exist. But a home where they were loved, and could feel happy. With that finale thought they closed their eyes and waited for death.

  Only to wake up on what felt like a bed, with what sounds like a baby screaming their ear off. They sat up and looked around to see where they were, only to see a childs bedroom, or what was supposed to be a childs bedroom. They turned their head and saw what looked like a 5 month old baby crying and stretching their little hands out towards them.

  Without thinking they picked them up and cradled them. "Shh, your okay... big brother is here..." the baby seemed to calm down when they realized what they said. 'Big brother? Why did I call myself her big brother? And how do I know that their a female?'

  Before they could think to deeply into it the baby giggled and grabbed what looked like a dragon pendant that was around his neck. 'When did that get there?' As they were trying to figure out what happend they heard a big bang from down stairs, followed by what sounded like an arguing couple.


  'That doesn't sound to good' they thought. They went back to checking on their new sister? 'Drista' they guessed, since thats what came to mind looking at her. As they continued to bond with their new sibling the couple continued to fight, getting louder and louder. By some miracle the baby, Drista, didn't seem to hear them and just played with her older Brother.

  While the arguing got louder the, now child, teen started to worry. They didn't know where they are, or what their name was in this new world. 'Dream' his mind supplied. They, No he guessed that his name was now Dream. The- He was worried. He didn't think it was safe here. His mind seemed to agree.

  As the child, Dream, thought about what he could do the fighting stopped and the house got quiet. His new sister Drista had at some point fallen back asleep in his arms. After what felt like forever but was only 10 or so minutes the sound of the strange couple 'his parents' going to bed filled the house.

  After about another 30 minutes snores could be heard. The recently newly named Dream gently put his new sister on the bed and made sure she couldn't fall off.  Then he snuck into the bathroom, witch he somehow knew where it was, to look at himself in the mirror. What he saw slightly threw him off guard.

  Looking back at dream was a pale 7/8 year old boy. His skin was pale and he looked like he had malnutrition. He also had pale blond hair that almost looked white is the right lighting. The boy also looked short, mabey due to not being fed regularly. But what surpised him the most was his eyes. Dream had 1 mint green eye and 1 royal purple eye, and they looked like they were slightly glowing.

  They were confused. From what Dream knew from his old(?) Life Canon dream didn't have a purple eye. But he also wore a mask so theu didn't know. Were they a hybrid now? 'Mother and Father dont like hybrids'. As they continued to look at themselves they saw the Dragon pendant on their neck.

  Dream thought he looked good. But he didn't like that he was stuck in a house were he and most likey his sister were not safe. As he thought on what to do somewhere a god was looking on this boy, and was saddened by what he already went through in life. And what he would have to face in the future.

  As this God knew that Dream would suffer more yet. He wished he could help but knew that if he did so himself directly then it could hurt Dream more then what mught happen if he doesn't. Though that didn't stop him from helping indirectly. The god, when Dream went back to his sister and fell asleep beside her, gave Dream 3 gifts. Dream wouldn't know about them untill he discovered them, but when he eventually did, they would be a big help. With 1 last look at Dream and after giving Dream his blessing, the God with a heavy heart turned and left. Waiting for when he could meet Dream in person, while he was awake.


Hope you enjoyed! Wonder who the God could be?

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