Chapter Three

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Hey! Here's Chapter 3! Hope you enjoy ^-^


3rd POV

After Dream passed out the men who 'bought' him and his sister, Who for the life of them they couldn't find, were trying to figure out what to do. They were supposed to have 2 kids, not 1. After some time the 'leader' of the small group spoke. "We will just have to explain to the big bosses what happened, and when the subject wakes up we will teach him not to disobey or runaway again".

As the men finally decided what to do, somewhere a ways away a goat hybrid named Puffy was taking care of the baby she found on her door step. She felt bad for the child, she really did. As she was trying to calm, Drista down her oldest appeared in the house. "Foolish"! The goat hybrid was happy to see her eldest child, since he hasen't visited in a bit.

"Hello Mama Puffy! I came by to check on you, is that a baby?" Foolish looked curiously at the 6 month old. 'Why did his mother have a baby. Was he gone that long?' "Yeah, her name is Drista, she's your new sister. For reasons not entirely known her brother thought that she would be safer with me, a complete stranger, then with him or their bio parents."

"How old is Drista? And what about her brother?" Foolish was curious, especially since he could tell that within the last few days his new sister was around another God. Who, he did not know. Another God probably took a liking to Drista's Other brother if he's being honest. "She's 6 months old according to the note, and I dont know about her brother, only thing I really know about him is that he gave her the Dragon pendant." As puffy explained this Foolish took a look at the pendant and decided on a whim to momerise the magic that wasn't his, his mothers or his new sisters that was clinging to it. Mabey one day he'll meet Drista's older brother, but untill then he would do his best to help keep her safe.

The two siblings were seperated, the younger one left with a kind and loving family, not knowing that she wouldn't see her brother for years and that he wouldn't be the same. While the elder was captured, by cruel people who wouldn't show him mercy, and was being carried off to a place where he would only know pain, hoping that one day he would see his baby sister again, and that he would be able to protect her. While this was happening a God just looked on with pained eyes, regretting that he couldn't do anything untill the children were older. But he silently promised himself that when he could, he would do everything to reunite the siblings, after all... he was partly to blame for the mess... since the oldest was his son after all.

As he watched his son be carried away by the mortals, he watched as his son's baby sister was cared for. Since he couldn't protect his son, he would protect his son's sister. In hopes that one day his son would forgive him. After all... he failed him as a father, letting him die in his first life. He was supposed to watch him. But he didn't and he suffered because of it. With determination flowing through the God he watched, and and silently gave the young girl his protection. And if Foolish noticed, he didn't say anything.

Time skip

Dream POV

I slowly woke up, witch was not normal for me. Drista normaly woke me up... 'DRISTA!!!' I bolted up and looked around the room. It was white, white wall's, white roof, white floor, hell the bed(?) I was on was white. I looked down at myself and noticed I was wearing white clothes too. 'Someone changed me' I thought. I felt something on my neck, and when I touched it I was zapped! 'A collar...?' I also had something on my foot. 'A chain?'

I paled when I realized just who those people were. 'Never have I ever been so glad that I got Drista safe when I did... She doesn't deserve going through something like this.' Taking a shakey breath I calmed myself down. 'No use panicking, they could uss that against me'. Before anything else happened the door that I didn't notice when I looked over the room opened.

In stepped someone I've never seen before. He wore all white and he had a clip board on him. 'I have a feeling I wont like him. Who am I kidding, I doubt I'll like anyone that works here'. "Ah, your awake! You caused some truble you know, we were supposed to get 2 new test subjects, but instead only got one! No matter, you'll just have to do double the tests. But first lets show you what happens when you dont listen!" As they talked I had an urge to growl at them. I held it back but barley. "A-AHH" I screamed. 'Fuck that hurt.' My neck felt like it was on fire.

"Oh it works! Thats good." He held way to much joy in his voice. 'The first thing im doing when I get free ot killing him' I vowed. "Normaly our test subjects would have a room mate, but since you caused so much trouble you wont get one till you start behaving!" Before I knew it I said- "Bitch!" 'Shit' was what went through my head.

I braced for the worst when the physco burst out laughing. 'I... am NEVER going to forget him am I?' "You have fight in you! Oh how I Love breaking kids like you! You wont keep that fire for long, I promise you that!" He gave me an unsettling grin and "AHHH" 'Fucker!' I was zapped again. He then marched over to me, a needle in hand, filled with I dont know what.

"You may want to sit still for this part, kiddo." I growled and he just laughed. "Before we start, you should know that your name is now Test subject end. And with that he, despite me frighting with what little strength I had left, stuck the needle in me and put what ever was in it into my body. My body exploded with pain and I fell over, not being able to scream thags hiw painful it was. Last thing I hear before I let myself pass out was "You and I will have a lot of fun in the future, little ender prince"


And done chapter 3! Hoped you enjoyed! Also I should probably warn you, Dream will go through alot of sh*t before he can start relaxing and not worring about anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2021 ⏰

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