Sokeefe One-Shot :: Old memories

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The dim light in the attic flickered. The storm was sounding far away, the rain hitting the roof of Havenfield...

tick, tack, tick, tack

Sophie's hand shakily pulled out a dusty black shoe box from a top shelf, it's still here she thought to herself. I thought dad threw it out. Her hands slowly opened the lid of the box and looked inside. The dust coated the inside, cloaking whatever was hidden at the bottom of the box of memories. She softly blew on the dust, making it swirl and fly towards the light of the moon. Sophie's gaze followed the dust particles as they glowed from the moonlight, they flew freely away until they disappeared in this chaotic attic.

Her face then moved to the box in her hands. Inside it was filled with letters and pictures, all written in a loopy but messy handwriting. There were small paintings with a signature of K.S at the bottom. Sophie took a deep breath and sat on the small cushioned chair that was against the wall... to old memories she said, as she shakily took out the first letter.

Dear Foster,

I never thought that I would end up doing this... moving away, from you, our friends, Iggy, Silveny- oh who am I kidding... I mean you. I never thought about a life away from you. From your warm gentle brown eyes. The times you used to slap me for doing something stupid. Those small glances from across the room, and those kisses. Oh, those kisses were amazing, especially the chocolate ones we shared on Valentine's Day. I wish you were here with me, traveling the globe... but you wanted to stay with your family- and I get that, well, not really, but I understand that you wanted to stay near loved ones... I just thought you might want to come with this loved one but it's fine I guess. Oh here I am, just guilt tripping you. Look, Sophie... you're most likely crying in your bathroom, locked away from the rest of the world, questioning your life and why you had to have a famous boyfriend with amazing hair. I just want to tell you that you are amazing. No matter what you do, who you date, I walk always, always love you Foster. Remember that, and I'm gonna come back! To see you, to see everyone I left... I'm gonna come back Foster, just remember that. But for now... these letters are my way of talking to you <3


Your E.L Fudge

Tears stained the page as the memories of Sophie and Keefe's time together flooded Sophie's mind. It was amazing, seeing his progress and being there to encourage him every step of the way. When he dropped the news that he was going on tour as the famous popstar all the girls fall over for, he had asked her if she wanted to come with him. Travel the world, see new sights, eat new foods... but she had declined. She knew she wasn't ready for that life, never would be. But she still felt guilty about it, after all... his letters stopped after a while.

Sophie remembered it clearly, she had run out to the mailbox out front to see if a new letter was there, none. She kept waiting and waiting but to no letter. She only understood why a week later, seeing the news on a newspaper her dad was reading. Keefe had died in a plane crash. He never did come back.

A/N: yeah... so that's it for this one-shot. Don't kill me! Ik it's a... un-finished way of ending it but here it is! I didn't edit it... might do that later but I wanted to go ahead and post something :) So I hope you guys liked it and don't forget to vote, comment, and share <3

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