When The World Ends

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The metal door scraped the concrete as it was forced open; the sunlight highlighted the ruins of New York City. Millions dead, only two known survivors: my sister and I.

As the dust settled, I walked over to her sleeping lump on the ground and nudged her with my foot.

"C'mon," I said. "We need to search for survivors Alexx."

She rolled over and gazed up at me with hatred for waking her up at dawn.

"You're too optimistic. There's no one out there. We searched for survivors yesterday and they day before! Unless there are szombies we're the only ones left and if there are zombies...I'm staying in here."

She rolled over and laid only a second before she stood leaving the ratty blanket on the floor with a sigh. "What's for breakfast?"

"Canned pears..." I said glumly.

"Oh goodie!" The sarcasm was dripping off of her tongue. "Just like the yesterday, the day before, and the day before that...need I go on?" She swept a stray blonde hair out of her sight.

"At least it's not refried beans...C'mon we still have to go out for supplies."

"What for?" She said while she scooped a pear out of her can.

"We're leaving...tomorrow."

"What?! Kaytii! What're you talking about...?! Leaving everything here, which isn't much I know, but still! We've always lived here!" I couldn't tell if she was truly frightened or not. Even if she was we have to do this...

"Think rationally, Alexx! Sooner or later we'll run out of food. There's no one to order food from different places. If we don't move we'll die!" I tried to keep my voice steady, but couldn't help emphasizing that last awful truth. As much as we both liked it, which wasn't a lot let me tell you, we had to do this or we'd end up like the rest of them. It shouldn't be hard though; we've been orphans since I could remember and we both knew how to live off of the streets.

"Okay..." She said so quietly I almost didn't hear her. She moved to start packing as did I. We stuffed everything we could into the few packs we could find. It was going to be hard, but I guess we'll figure something out; we always do.


"Let's play I-spy!" I try to say as cheerfully as possible. "We need to find a car with keys or something that can be hotwired pretty easily. There has to be something somewhere."

"What about the car show place? That building is low to the ground so it isn't that damaged. Plus we can roll in style!" She winks and laughs.

"Sounds like a good plan! Do you know where it is?"

"Psh, yeah I do! It's not too far.."


We walk for what seems like forever over tossed cars and debris. That storm, or whatever it was devastated the whole planet. From what I know, no one survived but us.

Alexx pulls the door open and runs inside. "Do you have a preference on what car we high jack?"

I raise an eyebrow. "Er, not really. I mean, if it gets us where we need to go then that's fine."

"Okay!" She races away like a little girl picking out her first puppy. It only takes a minute or so 'til I hear an engine rev and squeal up beside.

"Climb on in!" She says enthusiastically.

I laugh. "Uh, no, I'm driving. Out, out."

She gives me a no-me-gusta face and groans but slides, not even bothering ot get out of the car to the passangers side.

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