The Fire :o

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I wake up to darkness, the only light in the room coming from his alarm clock. I sigh happily, I don't ever remember being this happy! Gosh, I sound like I'm girly...which I'm not, shut up brain! I'm too tired for this.

I roll over slowly and peer at the numbers...too early! Why'd I wake up again? Oh yeah! I had that all too familiar feeling: you probably know it too. When you have to pee so bad you feel like you're going to explode? Yep, that's me right now.

When I rolled over, Blake tightened his grip on me. Great. Hm. How to do this? Any idea brain? No? Alrighty then. I sigh quietly and softly pull his arm off of me and slip the blanket up to where I had been. While watching his face I began to scootch backwards and not paying attention went over the edge. I land on my back and head (ouch!) I groan inwardly and hold my breath until Blake's breathing went back to what it had been before.

Without turning any lights on, I tiptoe, or atleast ATTEMPT to tiptoe across the room. I'm pretty sure I manage to stub my toe on every piece of furniture there is! Holding my breath with watering eyes I finally get to the bathroom door, only to hear chuckling coming from the bed.

"I've been awake this whole time you know." He states clearly.

"Well obviously I didn't! You couldn't've told me?!" I hope he likes ugly feet cuz I'd imagine they don't look that pretty...(pretty feet, there such thing?!). He just laughs out loud. I "hmph" and go to use the bathroom.

While I take care of business, I glance out of the window. A huge boom errupts and I squeal, pulling my pants up and run out of the bathroom. More booms resound, so much closer than the other night. So much is happening I can't rap it around my brain fast enough.

The house was on fire, a meteor had came through the ceiling into the kitchen. I can hear screaming but I can only see inches in front of me. I hack and wheeze, my eyes watering, all from the dense black smoke. Oh my God! My sister...what about Aleckzander? And the others? Where are they?

I stumble around until I collapse, my body getting weaker from the smoke. God, it's so hot. I try to crawl, I try my hardest: but to where? Where was the bookshelf? T-the bookshelf. I hear footsteps, closing in on me and I try to look up, "W-who's there?" I mumble.

He lifts me into his arms and I realize by his eyes it's, in fact, Blake. I start to black out, my body going limp. He shakes his head frantically and starts to run. I can only keep my eyes open for a few seconds more before I black out completely.

~Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnnn!!! I know this one is super-dee-duper-heck-of-a-lot shorter than the last one but I'm going to start chapters and that way I can focus on one part of the story at a time :) Hope you enjoyed this one! Special thanks to ElodiePaige (since I don't know how to actually dedicate a chapter to someone, I'm telling you now!) Thanks to anyone who decides to read but PLEASE comment :) It helps me, every single one! Have a greeeaaaaat day! :D

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