Fun to none

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Iya comes over and nudges my shoulder, saying, "You're thinking of a certain someone aren't you?"

I laugh, "I don't have a clue what you're talking about!"

"You were watching his bum while he was walking away."

"... No comment..." I grin, I can't help it...he has a nice bum!

She laughs and nudges me with her elbow, "There's nothing wrong with that Darling! He IS quite the looker! Both of them have turned out to be quite handsome!"

"I don't think Alexx is making any objections either!" I say motioning to her supporting Aleckzander on his hurt side while they hobble to the car.

"She's good for him," Iya sighs, contently. She looks sideways at me.

"And he's good for her."

She laughs, "I hope they don't have babies right away!"

I look at her like she has grown a third, deformed head. "I don't know...I don't think that'll happen."

She laughs, "You just think I'm an old coot! Young lady, you have not heard them a-goin'!"

"W-what?! Aleckzander hasn't been able to leave the couch!"

"Don't let that surprise you! I may be old but I can hear them fine! I'm surprised you never have...but I guess that's because you've been with Blake!" She laughs, pauses, then laughs more. "Your face is priceless!!!! Ahhaahahahahaha! I'm just yanking your chain!"

I sigh, "Thank. God. You scared the crap outta me!! I thought I might have to beat my sister in the ovaries! Wait, that sounds bad..." I chew my lip.

"I know what you meant!" She chuckles. "Do you need anything while Blake's still running around?"

"No, I'm fine. But thank you!"

I grin when I see Blake coming through the door carrying a pile of things. He loads the first car up and then sticks some things in with us.

"You ready?" he asks patting my hand. I flip my hand over so that we can entwine our fingers together and nod, leaning my head on his shoulder.

We pull out of the driveway, following Iya, Alexx, and "Zander". I hum along to the song playing and Blake taps his foot. We have a comfortable silence, or atleast I would like to think so. I doze on and off, long drives make me sleepy. "She's in the class A team, stuck in her daydreams, been this way-"

I wake up and it's dark outside the windows. We're stopped someplace, but I can't tell because the electricity is out.

"You talk in your sleep." I look over and his eyes are trained on mine in the dark.

"Oh? I do?"

"Yeah, you did when you were knocked out, and just again today."

"What'd I say?"

"You were saying my name, your sister's, even Aleckzander' sounded like you were having a nightmare. That was when you were blacked out. Only I heard you, don't worry." He laughs. "This time though, it was different. You kept on saying my name, and then mumbling...sometimes you would moan...what was going on in THAT dream?" He laughs even harder.

I felt my cheeks grow red and I mumble, "I don't remember...where are we anyways?"

"We pulled onto the edge of the road to get some sleep. Iya's the only one who knows where we are going."

There was a small knock on the door and I jump. Zander laughs and I sigh in relief, opening the door. "What do you want?" I ask.

"I was just coming to check on your legs. I brought the ointment."

"Speaking of legs...where's your crutch? It's been less than a week and you should still use it!"

"It's fine..."

"Well, my legs are fine."

"Well, fine. Good. Anyways, Alexx is asleep with Iya and I kinda wanted to talk to my brother so..." He looks over around me and motions for Blake.

Blake grabs my hand and kisses it. "I'll be right back. Honk if you need me." He says with a smirk.

"Will do, Capt'n!" I gave a two fingered salute.

After he gets out, they move away from the car until I can barely see which is which. I look around more now that my eyes have adjusted a bit. It was all relatively flat, nothing really extraordinary about it. There was still trees though; were we in Tennessee? Maybe? That was my guess.

My legs started to itch and I looked at the ointment. Opening the container, it looked like paste just not as thick. It smelled just like...flour? Something very basic atleast. I try to wiggle, to itch the scratch somehow, but it doesn't do much.

The door slams open and Blake plops into his seat murmuring angrily until he looks over at me: he looks shocked. "What're you doing?"

I quickly put the ointment back on the dash and just sit with my hands in my lap. "Nothing..." I squirm again, uncomfortably. I look down and my fingers twitch. I can feel it start to turn from an itch to pain and I tear at the bandages.

"Here, let me help you," Blake says gently.

"It's fine." My voice is soft, but my voice cracks. It's killing me to be this useless! Slower but still swiftly, I take the bandages off. Blake already has the canister of ointment in his hands.

He grabs my legs and turns me so my feet rest in his lap. "Atleast it's getting better" He says, rubbing in the ointment. "It took awhile longer this time."

"What happened?"

He looks up briefly, "what do you mean?"

"You were angry when you came in..."

"Oh, it's nothing." He scowls.

"Is it Zander?"

"Don't call him that."


Hmm...what happens next? Why doesn't he want her to call him Zander? I have no idea......what do you think? Hope you liked it c:

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2013 ⏰

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