A Bad Dream

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We're on a beach, collecting seashells. We look up and all the water has receeded. We watch as a huge wave comes rushing at us. We try to run but the car keeps getting farther and farther away! The wave crashes on us. I break the surface but I can't see anyone. I try yelling their names, but no one answers. I am forced back down, the water filling my lungs. The water turns a blood red and I look to my right to see everyone getting their limbs tore off by monstrous sharks; their eyes full of pain staring at me and I can't even help them! I scream and as I black out, their eyes are still etched into my brain.

My eyes burst open and I let out a groan from the light. I blink slowly to allow them to adjust and to become clear again. It's quiet but my ears sound fuzzy. When everything clears, I see Aleckzander sitting next to me, asleep, leaning his head against his hand. My lungs feel like they are on fire and I cough. It startles Aleckzander and he almost falls out of his chair.

I hear everyone gasp and I'm enveloped into a gigantic group hug. I look around at everyone's face, it looks like my sister was crying earlier.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Am I okay? Are YOU okay?!" She exclaims, laughing, sounding relieved.

"Yeah," I reply, "I'm fine. Just a little tired."

Iya nods and motions to Blake. Aleckzander moves, standing on a crutch and Blake picks me up. "Where are we going?" I ask.

"Well, right now we are in another room in one of the tunnels so we could be safe from the fire. We're going to go back to see what we can salvage and then we're leaving."

"To where?"

"Iya said North Dakota." His voice was hard..

I give him a look and he just looks away, biting his lip.

The fire must have been huge because we only walked a little bit before we hit the edge of the property. It was all charred, trees and shrubbery burnt down from last night. I went to itch my leg but realized it was wrapped. "You were burnt last night. We put some numbing ointment on it and wrapped it. Is it itchy?" I nod and he continues, "that means we'll have to put more on soon or else the pain is going to come back. Does it hurt at all? Katie?"


"You can't go to sleep, you have to stay awake."

"I know..." I bury my face into his chest, he smelled like a bonfire. I love that smell.

"I'm sorry..." I look up at his face and he's chewing his lip again. "I had to help with Aleckzander. Alexx was running to get Iya. I didn't mean to take so long...If I hadn't you wouldn't be burnt this bad." His face had turned to stone while he stares forward.

"It's not your-" I grunt, I feel pain starting at the tips of my toes. The farther up my legs it goes the more I want to squirm out of Blake's arms and I don't even know what!


"She'll have to wait, the only ointment we have left is in the basement." Aleckzander says softly but calmly.

I grit my teeth, it couldn't be that bad right? Wrong. It was ten thousand times worse than burning your finger on the stove and it was all over the bottom half of my body all the way up to my bum. Sunburn ain't got nothin' on this baby!

Blake began to run, past Iya, Alexx, and Aleckzander. He runs so fast, it feels impossibly amazing, the wind breezing against my legs. I cling to his shirt afraid to fall, but his strong grip would never drop me: that's something I know for a fact.

We reach the house and he rushes inside to the bookshelf. He began running down the stairs but slips halfway down and we tumble. I heave out a cry and tears slip out of my eyes. Protecting my head, he twists so he lands first, I safely land on top of him. With me in his arms he rushes about looking for the ointment.

He lays me on the couch, tearing off the bandages on my legs and opening the canister. He starts at my feet, massaging the ointment into my burns. He makes it all the way to my thighs as Iya, Aleckzander(he kinda hobbles), and Alexx run down the stairs. Iya brings me some water and the A team searches for other things, stuffing whatever they find to be useful into bags.

I sigh in relief when the ointment starts numbing my legs and Blake looks relieved too.

"How long will this canister last us, Iya?" He asks her.

"Not too long, a day or two. We'll have to mix more, but most of the ingredients are in North Dakota, herbs and such."

Blake nods and continues to rub my legs; the ointment is so thick, but I guess it makes it last longer.

"Blake? How long was I knocked out?"

"Well...about a day. None of us wanted to leave your side so we just stayed until you woke up." He grabs some new bandages and slowly wraps my legs. He grabs the keys and picks me up, walking briskly up the stairs and outside.

We walk over to the car and he opens the passanger side, sitting me in the seat and covering me in a blanket.

"Thank you." He just nods, smiling and leans in, giving me a peck on the lips. As he pulls away, I shift and, bringing my hands up to be on either side of his face, I pull him back in, deepening the kiss.

"I have to grab some more things," he mumbles against my lips. I pull back and huff, turning so he can't see me laughing quietly. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my neck making me laugh harder.

"I'll be back," he whispers, nipping playfully at my ear. I swat him playfully away and he laughs as he runs off to grab whatever he needs to.


So sorry I haven't updated in forever! I have proper excuses, but I won't list them now. Hope you enjoyed!

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