chapter 11

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-Madison's pov-

I opened the door to see nobody there. I was about to close the door when i heard a small bark. I reopened the door and looked down to see a small puppy.

•Well aren't you the cutest little thing?•i said as i petted the pup.

•Im glad you think so.• said brent popping out of the bushes,scaring me.

•Omg! brent! you scared me half to death.• I kinda yelled out while trying to restart my heart (idefk )

•Hehe...sorry.• brent said apologetically(is

That even a word?)

•Its okay. Come in.• i opened the door and let him in.

•nice place you got.• •Thanks brent.• we sat in the living room couch with the puppy. •where did you get the little guy?• i asked while admiring the pup.

•I work as a voleenter at the shelter. I saw this pup and he reminded me of you.• i blushed at what he said. •Thanks.• i smiled at him. The next few minutes were awkward until brent broke the silence. •What are you gonna name him?• asked brent. •Not sure yet.• i replied while playing with the pup's paws. •Why dont we name him bradison?• •brandison?• i asked puzzled. •Brent and madison. Our ship name.• In my mind i was like •OMG OMG OMG HE MADE A SHIP NAME FOR US!• But in reality i said • thats really cute. Its official then. His name is bradison.•

~Skips the next 2 hours.~

•Well its pretty late.• Said brent while walking to the door. •yeah it is. I'll see you around.• Brent nodded and gave me one of his famous "mhms" •Gurl you got the right mhm• i chuckled and while i was he kissed my cheek then left.

•Omg...brent kissed my cheek.• i thought as i walked to my room.

I set bradison by my side then fell asleep thinking about brent.


Hope you liked it!!!

~nikki <3

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