Chapter Thirty-Two

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"I don't get why Tris just didn't have dinner here. It's your birthday and we got enough steaks."
I complain after appreciating Tris for her leaving at 5 pm at the doorstep.

Not that I dislike the solitude that consists only of me and Kook. I felt it would make Kook feel more exultant if there were more people.

"I don't think she remembers today is my birthday."
Kook says from the kitchen.

I should help him make steak but better, I should stand here and check him out cooking with an apron on. I'm pleased by so many things today.

Kook continues, "I rarely do birthdays at home since I spend it outside with my friends."

I nod to his words, my eyes at his back. He has changed himself into his classic cargo pants and a sweatshirt, sleeves rolled up. This time, I could talk him out of taking shower together with me.

"Steaks are about to be ready, babe. Can you make the table?"

He demands while finishing the meat on the hot pan. I shout an enthused 'yes' and go for the plate drawers. Plates, napkins and the wine bottle that he picked out moments ago all are placed on the table soon. When I'm done romanticizing the table with some candles, I take a seat at his left while he comes and fills our plates with the dinner. I drool over the luster of steaks. Kook beams at his own win and seats himself next to me, at the edge of the table.

"Is there anything you cannot do?"
I breathe.

Kook grins and scratches one of his ears. I take the little gesture of him as a shy sign. It's rare to see.

"Okay! I'll go get the cake."
I stand up again and flit for the refrigerator.

I bring the cake over the table, right in the middle of our plates as the last touch. Kook does nothing but gazes at me the whole time I'm lighting the candles on the cake. I beam for the periphery. When the cake is adorned with thin, flickering candle lights, I grin at him. On the flip hand, he waits for me to say something, yet gets his eyes slyly widened when I start singing the birthday song, clapping in keen demeanor.
Once again, he scratches his ear and lets himself be infected by my intrusive laughter during the song.

"You can blow the candles now."
I guide him as if he were a child.

Kook blows out all the candles in one breath and claps for himself.

I serve myself a cut of meat and savor the juicy flavor. Kook gets himself a cut and nods to himself. My eyes travel along his jaw working out while grinding the meat. My eyes fail to linger for long, as the doorbell rings before I'm about to cut myself another piece. Kook and I look at each other. He prepares to get up but I stop him in the mid air.

"I'll go get it."

I saunter towards the door in thoughts. Did Tris forget something? I keep a beam on my face at the thought of the person being a stranger and open the door. Together with a gust of wind brushing across my cheeks, my smile drops on the spot. I cannot tell if the raw wind from the heavy rain extirpates my smile or if the presence of JiYoon with drenched hair and soaked clothes at the doorstep does. But the thing is, not only my eyes change their color, but a gleam in her eyes, too, vanishes when our eyes meet. A twinge of irritation swallows me at the sight. We stare at each other at the door, without having a plan to strike some words first. However, after seconds feel like hours, JiYoon opens her visibly quaking lips.

LOVE, JEON ( JEON JUNGKOOK )Where stories live. Discover now