Chapter Thirty-Four

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Today is exceptionally sunny. From the nightingales to the cloud flakes, the woods sing invisible melodies. October has outsmarted September and it's overcast conservations. I never see JiYoon again 'till today has claimed itself as October First. Things between Kook and I became stable. Even though he has become busier these days and I am grappling with my own tutorials and presentations, we went out for movies, we went on road trips. But, I never got to sleep at his place once more since the last first time. My family never suspects us — as JungKook stopped visiting my home ever since the wretched scene my mom created up. Though one time I overheard my granny chatting with her husband about me seeing someone. They were happy in the act so I didn't complain. For that matter, I thought maybe telling them about Kook would put a glee in their days. But it was somehow elided for I cared about my mom being the only one clueless. I'm the only child of her and as a mother, she deserves to know firstly out of all. She is one annoying person, I know. But I love her. Hence, if there has to be someone who finds out first, that should be her. When grandpa propounded an air that we should take a family picture together to paint one more gift on granny's wall gallery, my thoughts ran to her. The last time I took a family picture was when my dad was alive and I remember feigning a smile before the flash of the camera. Since then, I kept on choosing to be on good terms with her. At least, I want my smile to be authentic before the new flash.

I get up earlier than usual to help granny with breakfast as I don't want her to be exhausted today, the day that the photographer will come for us. We giggle and gush over grandpa's hair wet with olive oil. Not before he makes fun of my mom's crochet vest that she made by herself. On the other hand, my mom prepares her special dish, a lemon cake, for the guest. After the breakfast, I promise them to get back home before the photographer does and head for the one class by grandpa's truck. I secretly text Kook while on the drive.

"Who are you texting with for that long?"
Grandpa investigates my actions. He has a smirk.

"My friend. We have a presentation today."
Lying has become typical ever since I moved here. The perks of Ptoloc.

"Is it a guy?"

I giggle.
"No. It's a girl."

"You know we are perfectly okay if you take your friend home for dinner sometimes."
He gives me an eyebrow. The half dark hair of his has darkened more from the oil, the white ones lustrous. I'm utterly fondled by his rare forehead due to the push back. He's looking younger.
Still, I know what he means. Gramps, I wish I could bring Kook home. I just wish.

I reply none but beam. Gramps says nothing more till he kills the engine at the gate.

"Do you have any contact with JungKook?"

My eyes flit among his face.
"Not really, why?"

"Nothing," he laughs but ends it when his orbs pale in black lingers around mine.
"Your granny and I have apologized to him because of, you know, what your mom did. But since it's your mom, I think it would be nice if you can tell him yourself that Nat didn't mean it."

I stare at his face for seconds, not knowing what to say. My grandparents do care about Kook. That warms my heart.

"Sure. I'll text him on Instagram."

"That would be so sweet of you."
He smiles.

(Babe, can you send me the pictures that we took on the road trip?)

Kook texts me during the class. I hide my hand under the desk, shoving the phone to a good distance.

At one blink the lecturer turns her back on us, unswervingly I unlock the hidden button and pick out the photos for him.
My mom tends to make phone calls with my device and I cannot risk the chances of her opening my gallery by accident.
I send him the pictures in seconds before the lecturer tunes in again.

LOVE, JEON ( JEON JUNGKOOK )Where stories live. Discover now