Chapter 2

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When they got up to the door of the house, Scooby and Shaggy were shaking a little, Fred ringing the doorbell. When the door opened, the sight spooked Scooby and Shaggy.

"L-L-LIKE, IT'S BOOBEARD, THE PIRATE!!!" Shaggy yelped

"RIt is???" Scooby asks. "RIPE!!!"

The two bolted off. However, the two that were at the door weren't Boobeard, in fact, they were actually the owners of the property, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

"Trick or treat!" Velma, Fred, and Daphne spoke, holding their candy bags out

"Oh, what nice costumes!" Mr. Morganson comments. "But, uh, what's wrong with your friends there?"

Scooby and Shaggy were hiding in their massive candy bags.

"Oh, they think you have a ghost in your house." Daphne comments

"But we do have a ghost." Mrs. Morganson comments. "He lives up in the attic."

"Huh????" Fred and the girls questioned

Scooby and Shaggy poked their heads out of the bags they were hiding in.

"Like, we knew it!" Shaggy comments

Daphne rolls her eyes.

"A ghost??? Come on." Daphne comments

"No, we're serious." Mr. Johnson says. "But don't worry, our house's ghost is pretty nice."

Shaggy poked his head out of his bag and looked over at Scooby's.

"Did you hear that, Scoob? The ghost's friendly." Shaggy says

Scooby poked his head out and sighed with relief, saying, "RThank goodness."

That's when clanking of wood planks were heard, making everyone look around.

"Like, what was that????" Shaggy questioned

When they looked up, they saw in one of the attic windows was the ghost of Boobeard the pirate!

When they looked up, they saw in one of the attic windows was the ghost of Boobeard the pirate!

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"Boo, you landlubbers!!!" Boobeard snarls as he jumepd out, floating towards the ground. "Boo!!!"

He has red eyes a pale skin has white beard and wears a white blue pirate captain clothes.

"ZOINKS!!!" Shaggy yelped

As Boobeard floated down, he turned his attention to the Johnsons.

"Argh, ya swabs. This is my house!!!" Boobeard boomed. "Pull anchor and get lost!"

Scooby and Shaggy blindly took off running, running right into the others and the Johnsons. Boobeard went over to a hatch before looking over at everyone.

"You swabs have until tomorrow to move out!" Boobeard spoke as he opened the hatch. "Or you'll be sorry!"

The ghost opened the hatch and bolted into the area under it, slamming the cellar hatch shut behind him.

A Yamper Named Scooby-Doo! Ghost Who's Coming For DinnerWhere stories live. Discover now