Chapter Four-Carrots? Irish? What?!

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*Livvie Henry*

Two days.

Two damn days we had to wait for all the girls to get here. And now that they are all here, we start the meet and greets. Yippie. Not.

"Most of the girls here look like sluts," Lilly whispers to me. I nod and with my eyes, look subtlety around the room. Revealing clothes left and right. Only some MATURE girls have a mind to put on covering clothes. I just wear a tank top, plaid button up, skinny jeans, combat boots, and a snapback. Simple, easy, and not a slut outfit. Most of the girls are even wearing bikinis!

"I go on one side to find POSSIBLE, you alliances and I go on the other," I yell. The music just got ten times louder along with the talking. Lilly nods. We weave away into the crowd, she goes right I go left. The girls I do find are mostly dumb. Sometimes only blondes/cheerleaders are (a/n: I'm sorry! Don't take offense to this if you are a blonde or cheerleader!) dumb, but damn, a lot of the girls here weren't blonde or a cheerleader from what I found out talking to them. This is going to be harder then I thought.


After 20 minutes of looking, I found nobody. Not a single girl that could be an alliance. Not one that could even qualify! I did, though, run into Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings from 5SOS a few people back.....

"I'm going to the bathroom!" Lilly tries to say when we bump into each other. I nod and watch her make her way towards the door. Deciding it's useless to continue looking, I find the nearest door and go into it. The door just so happened the lead into the stairwell. I sit on the stair closest to the wall and lean backwards. I didn't realize it till now, but looking for alliances is tough work!

"I thought we were the only ones disgusted by this," two voices above me say together. I jump and look up the stairs. A blonde haired, blue eye boy along with a brown haired, light greened eye boy stood at the top of the first flight of stairs. "You too?"

"Can't stand all the perfumes and hideous outfits. Honestly, it's like they don't even want clothes on!" I laugh. They laugh too and come to sit down next to me. Looking at them in the light, I recognize them from posters in my cousin's room.

"Aren't you supposed to be out there with all the slutty whores we hate?" I ask them. Niall Horan shrugs.

"That's why we are in here, to hide from the slutty whores," Louis Tomlinson responds.

"Hey! Not all of us are sluts! I'm not, my best friend isn't," I defend.

"I can tell. Most girls that meet us are a kissass weirdo. Don't take offense to our fans," Niall says. I notice his Irish accent and remember he is the only non-British singer in the band. It's unique. "Which you are one, right?" he continues in his Irish accent.

"Yes, I'm a Directioner, I'm just not a type of girl that faints at the thought of breathing the same air as you guys," I said. "Speaking of guys, where are the rest of One Direction?"

"Back at our room, on the top floor," Louis replies. "I would take you to them but you have to stay here until the meet and greet is over."

"Afterwards? And is it alright to bring my friend Lilly? She is like me and won't freak out, I promise," I say. I can see Louis thinking. Niall looks hopefully at his friend.

"Alright, meet us here," Louis finally says. Niall hugs him and gives a toothy grin. I laugh.

"Ok." We talk a bit more getting to know each other better. When the boys need to go from a text from Harry, I groaned.

"Why?!" They laugh and stand up. As the boys turn to leave, Louis turns around one last time.

"One last question," he starts. "Do you like carrots?" I look at him in confusion before nodding.

"Love them, why?" Louis shrugs and walks off talking with Niall. I shrug and leave the stairs, setting out on a mission to tell Lilly the good news:

We might have a sponsor.

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