Chapter Nineteen-Under the Fence, Through the Eoods, to the Boys We Will Roam!

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*Livvie Henry*
(Day Eight)

"Livvie," someone muttered, shaking me lightly. "Liv, wake up. We found something." I peeled my puffy eyes open and rubbed them.

I sniffled, remembering everything that happened yesterday. "What?"

Isabella stood up and outstretched her hand. "It's best if you see it for yourself." She pulled me to my feet and I followed her a few meters to my right along the fence until she stopped and pointed at it. I followed her finger and kneeled next to it to see what she was pointing at. There was a part of the fence that was unattached to the pole holding it up. A large part, too. "Do you know what's on the other side of the fence?" I looked up and forward, gazing into the forest on the other side. I remembered something Niall had told me before the games started. Since there are only a few boys, we have to compete in woods. I then realized that no woods had been inserted in the girls' arena.

"The boys..." I breathed.

"We're going under the fence." That was Dakota. I turned to face her, shaking my head.

"I'm not leaving Lilly here," I replied stubbornly. Anger welled within me. "I can't believe you guys would even think of doing that!"

Isabella squeezed my shoulder lightly. "We're not leaving her, Liv. We're gonna help her. Dakota told us there were a lot of those girls yesterday, whom Em believes are the ones that took Lilly. We'll need numbers if we're gonna face them."

"And that," Emily butt in, "is where my genius brain thought about getting the boys!" I slowly smiled and then tackled them all in a hug.

"Well then let's go!"

*Liam Payne*

"Zayn, how many times are you gonna drop that bird?!" I asked after it fell on the ground for the seventh time.

"However many it takes for it to turn into something that tastes good!" I sighed and pushed away another branch blocking my way. I really wanted to get out of here. None of us five had died, thank God, and we were doing pretty good at staying hidden. We continuously asked if the girls were okay and Paul said they were, which kept our spirits up. I just wanted to see Dakota. I couldn't get her off my mind.

Just as I stepped around a tree trunk, something heavy dropped on my back. I yelled in surprise and swung my arm back, knife ready. A hand grabbed my wrist, stopping it and stopping me when they-she to be more specific-spoke. "Don't kill me!"

I stood frozen as they jumped off me and came to face me. There she was, all from her small feet to the top of her lovely curly hair. "What are you doing here?!" I asked, pulling her into a bear hug.

"I think it's better if we tell you all at once.." she whispered. I instantly frowned, but nodded. She looked behind me and I turned to see Isabella laughing at Emily and Zayn who were gripping each other tightly and Livvie was off to the side with slightly blood shot eyes and no smile. I had a feeling someone was missing....I went over each girl in my head, forgetting to breath when I realized Lilly was missing.

"Where's Lilly?" Dakota gave me a sad smile and squeezed my hand, but said nothing. And I was speechless as my thoughts began to race.

*Livvie Henry*

I stood off to the side as the girls caught up with Zayn and Liam. We were walking through the forest and I was on the look out, an arrow ready. I wonder if there's a consequence to going into the boys' games...

"Hey Lia - GIRLS?!" shouted a higher manly voice. "ISABELLA?!"

"What are you doing here?!" asked an Irish voice. Something in me just snapped and I barged through the people who were in front of me as the tears collected again. I saw a blurry head of blonde hair and ran into his arms, almost knocking him over. I began to cry again and he held me tight.

"Livvie?!" Niall asked frantically. "Liv, what's wrong?! Are you hurt?" No, I wasn't hurt. I was more. I was broken.

"Where's Lilly?" Louis asked. That made me cry harder and my shoulders shook as I let the tears fall on Niall's shirt, my hands balling the sides of his shirt into clumps.

"That's actually why we came..." Emily stated. And they began to explain everything while I sat through the torture, holding onto Niall with all my might. Through the whole thing-through Louis's crying, the comforting words, the girls' sniffles-I kept my face buried in Niall's shoulder, arms locked around his torso underneath his jacket. His heat was a little comforting and he hugged me the whole time.

I turned my head to look at Louis and sobbed, "I'm s-sor-ry!" before going back to my refuge.

*Lilly Baxter*

My eyes felt like weights were on my lids, pinning them down. I went to reach my hands up to rub them, only to find them tied to something hard. I counted to 5 before making my eyes open.

I was in a room that looked like a hotel. One girl was tied to a bed with a cloth in her mouth. She was awake as looked like she'd been crying.

"H-hi," I said, my voice cracking. Her eyes moved to mine and she blinked slowly before mumbling something that I took as a greeting. "Where are we?"

Another tear fell down her cheek and she didn't answer, avoiding my gaze. The door suddenly opened and in came three girls. Fiona, Kristen, and Crystal. Fiona and Kristen went over to the girl while Crystal came over to me. "Well, well, well," Fiona growled deviously. "We meet again, Lilly."

"Let. Me. Go," I growled demonically.

"No can do, sweetie," she said, being overly fake. "You see, I've never liked you. You or your friends. So, I plan on making you suffer a couple ways. Starting now."

A/N: What will happen to Lilly?! Even I'm on the edge of my seat!

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