Chapter Eight-Evaluation Day

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A/N: I skipped the first week of training and I might skip the next week too. They didn't do much at the sleepover, just get to know each other better and join alliances. Now, it's evaluation day. Wish our girls good luck!

*Third Person*

Today was evaluation day. This is the day one hundred and fifty girls will be judged on what they are capable of by the 'Gamemakers'. Olivia, Lillian, Emily, Dakota, and Isabella sit huddled together with anticipation running through their veins like acid. What if they mess up? What if they get a really good score, so they'd end up being the target for every girl? They had an alliance though, so there was one thing they were sure of: stick together no matter what.

*Dakota Kendricks*

"Dakota Kendricks," the lady with the clipboard calls. I hug the girls calming down a bit as I rehearse what I will do. I walked to stand in front of the judges and address myself, beginning after their nod of approval. I grab the thinnest balance beam I could find and place it as far away from the targets as I'm comfortable with. I then grab four knives and took my place on the beam. Without wobbling, I moved on the beam with no-hand cartwheels, hitting each target in the neck, heart, eye, and stomach. All of each fatal places.

I hear clapping but I wasn't done.

I grab a bow and sling a sheath of arrows over my shoulder. I took my place on the beam and raised an arrow to the ropes hanging below the ceiling. Cans hung from them. I hit everyone directly in the middle. Major applause from the judges. I turn to look at them a smile.

"Amazing," the head 'Gamemaker' says. I smile and waved as I begin to walk away, janitors already busy getting down the arrows and pulling knives out of targets.

When I'm closer to the door then the judges, I mutter under my breath, "son of the bitches."

*Lilly Baxter*

"Lillian Baxter." I got up shakily and made my way to the door, getting hugs from the girls. I swallowed past the nervous lump in my throat, making me feel like I wanted to throw up, and walking into the training room. Doing what I'd been told to do, I introduced myself and then started walking toward the fighting mats. I motioned for one of the wrestling trainers to come over and a man twice my size walked up to me. They're setting me up to fail; too bad I won't. I sweep-kicked the guys legs out from under him and he hit the ground with a thud, but I didn't hesitate to continue. If I hesitated, it was all over for me. I grabbed his wrist, twisted it behind his back and pushed up till he let out a groan of pain. His other arm reached back and punched me in the side, and I groaned but didn't move. I pulled him to his feet and kicked the back of his knees. He spun around and took a swing at my face and I jerked back so that he barely skimmed my nose.

I threw my fist at his face and hit him square in the jaw, then kneed him in the stomach, dodging all of his punches in the process. I eventually slipped behind and got him in a headlock, putting a it of pressure behind it. The room was quiet for a moment and then I heard... laughing. I looked over my shoulder at the game makers and saw most of them clutching their stomachs.

"She... just... kicked your... ass, Timmy!" the head game maker gasped between his laughter. A smile broke out on my face and I let go of the guy.

"Sorry," I said. He smiled and shook my hand before walking over to the other wrestling trainers.

"That was fabulous," the head game maker said. "You may go." I walked out of the room, happy that I'd pleased them. They were disgusting people, but that might have just saved my life.

*Emily Taylor*

"Emily Taylor," the woman called. With a shaky breath, I raise to my feet, hugged the girls, and made my way into the training room. I stop before the judges until they give me their full attention.

"I'm Emily Taylor." They all nodded and I turned around towards the equipment. I was not a fighter, I was a hider. What's one thing in nature that's amazing at hiding? A chameleon. How do they hide? Camouflage. I walked over to the paint cans and began the long process. Once I was finished, I walked over to the ropes hanging on the wall and pressed my back against them. Yes, I'd painted myself to match the ropes, and I'm guessing I'd done better than I thought because the game makers got up and walked over toward me, eyes scanning the place I stood at.

"Is that her?" One of them asked, pointing to my left. The head game maker took a step closer until his eyes locked on mine and he smiled.

"You're good at painting," he said. I smiled and stepped away from the ropes.

"Thanks," I replied.

"You may go." I nodded and exited the room. I don't think I did my best, but I think I'll get a decent score.

*Isabella Lightwood*

"Isabella Lightwood," came the expected call. I hugged Livvie, her being the last one of the alliance here.

"Good luck," I whisper before disappearing down the hallway and into the training room. I introduce myself and walk over to the rock climbing wall station. I passed the belts that you put around your waist and began climbing without one. I knew I was taking a major risk, but if I wanted a good score, this is what I had to do. In minutes I'd reached the top, which was thirty feet about the ground, and began the climb down.

"Are you alright? Do you need help?" someone called.

"No, thank you," I replied and continued my descent. Once I had about seven feet to go, I pushed off the wall, doing a back flip in the air and landing it. I walked back over to the game makers and they just stared at me in awe until one of them waved for me to leave. I pushed away the bad feeling in my stomach, knowing there's nothing I can do about it now. I either impressed them into silence, or did horrible. I'll find out later.

*Livvie Henry*

This was taking forever. I was the last girl in my alliance to go so I had nobody to hug me good luck.

"Olivia Henry?" I stood up and took a deep breath as I walk to the training room. Just as I was about to pass the woman holding the clipboard, she glanced around and then gave me a quick hug.

I smile gratefully at her, "thank you." She smiles back. I walk into the training room. "Olivia Henry," I state to the judges.

"Show us what you've got," the head game maker said. I nodded and turned to the track station, which was a track around the whole training room. I nodded for the girl with the timer to start it and took off, feeling the welcoming burn in my legs as I went as fast as I possibly could. When I stopped I put my hands above my head and quickly caught my breath.

"7.6," she gaped. "Fastest we've had all day." I smiled and moved on to the bow and arrows. I shot three cans dead center, then moved on to the defenses and faced a woman about my height. I raise one hand to cover my stomach and the other to cover my face. I swept one of her legs out from under her and shot my arm forward, pinching the pressure point in her shoulder so she'd freeze up.

"Done," I breathed and stepped away. Everyone, even the trainers, stood up and clapped, hollered, and smiled.

"Amazing! Well done!" the head game maker said. "You are very fast at running and with your reflexes. I have a feeling I'll be seeing you again." I beamed, thanked him and the two women who aided me, and left. I ran to the elevator and went up to my suite. I ran down the hallway when it stopped and burst through the door.

"THEY LIKED ME!" I yelled at the girls, Mandy, and Josie.

"US, TOO!" all of the other girls yelled. I ran to them and we all crashed in a giant group hug, squealing like the weirdos we are.

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