Missed Me? (Reiner Braun x dom!reader)

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In my mind Reiner has nipple piercings 😊 nobody can convince me otherwise

Contains: anal play, fingering (male receiving), established relationship, masturbation, fluff and more fluff


Inhaling the comforting, warm scent of your cozy home, you don't hesitate to finally kick your shoes off after closing the front door. Not wanting to bother with putting your things away, you leave your keys and luggage at the entrance before making your way further into the dimly lit space.

Calmly as one can be, you make your way to the kitchen, your dry throat begging you for a gulp of water after such a tiringly long drive back home. With your eyes closed, you allow yourself to listen to the silence of your house, shutting your brain for a small while as you lean against the counter, your now empty glass pressed against your chest. The serenity of your alone time was broken by a sound that could only be described as a breathy moan, exactly the kind that you were deeply familiar with.

Carefully, not to make too much sound, you make your way to the bedroom door, the irrational fear of just what might be waiting for you behind them made your blood freeze. Finding them to be slightly ajar, you carefully listen to the deep breaths and occasional moans of pleasure that were coming from the room. Your heartbeat slowed down once again however, when your ears thankfully failed to pick up any other sounds than that of your lover. Pushing the door open slowly enough not to startle him, you let yourself revel in the familiar sighs of content which graced your ears, the week of separation from your boyfriend making you feel as if you were hearing them for the first time all over again. Smiling at the gorgeous sight before you, your eyes trail across Reiner's hunched over body, studying every single flexed muscle on his back and committing them to your memory. The light from the bedside lamp made him look that much more beautiful as it illuminated his sweaty figure, his hair messy and sticking out in wild directions. You could only guess he imagined your fingers pulling on his tresses as he lost himself in the pleasure. The thick scent of lust and need hung in the air, mixing with the heavy breaths and soft light, creating a scene that made your insides churn.

Your boyfriend was kneeling on the bed, one hand supporting his weight as he touched himself with the other. His eyes were closed in delight, hips moving as he chased his high with slow but purposeful strokes, picturing the burning heat of your fingertips dancing all over his body. Sucking in a deep breath as you hear his keens, your feet take you towards the bed, mind wondering how he didn't notice your presence just yet. You run your fingers along his spine, just the way he loves it, the way that always makes his skin break out in goosebumps, that sets his entire being on fire. Instead of jerking away from your touch, Reiner arches his back against the familiar sensation, not surprised by your presence in the slightest.

"I was wondering how long were you going to just stand there." He chuckles, mouth pulling upwards, showing his teeth as his facial expression changes into a smirking one.

So he did know you were home. "Can you blame me? My baby boy is so pretty...I just want to watch you." Your voice comes out hoarse and laced with want as you kneel behind him on the bed. Reiner sighs as he feels the mattress dip, taking in a deep breath when he feels both of your palms smooth over his bare sides. Raising up on his knees, he presses his body against you, loving the way you made his body flood with a certain warmth as your touch traveled down his thighs. His eyelids fell shut as soon as your lips touched his pulse point, his warm palms sliding down your hands when you wrapped them around his bare torso. "You're so arousing...makes me want to eat you." A dark chuckle against his ear makes him crack a soft smile despite the moan that leaves him as you bite his earlobe.

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