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Their world tour had been such a blast. Armies from all over the world had seen them perform, not on videos or pictures but in person. Now the last concert, one in the infamous Los Angeles had come to a close. The members were buzzing with energy all the way back to the hotel. Yoongi was buzzing with a different type of energy, nervousness.

In just a few hours, he would be proposing to his long time boyfriend of 5 years, Jung Hoseok. He had planned on doing so for a long time, now that they were in the States he could put his plan into action. They'd go to the club, have a few drinks and go back to the hotel where Yoongi could ask the question. Luckily the club Jimin found wasn't that far from their hotel, being in walking distance. It was exclusive, celebrities went there all the time so it wouldn't be a problem if they went as they are.

Management had been fine with it, knowing that the band needed some time for fun after the long winded tour they just had. So with their management's approval, the band got ready to go out. Yoongi decided to go in a plain sweater in jeans, while Hoseok wanted to go all out. He dressed in a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and a nice leather jacket. Yoongi blushed when Hoseok caught him staring, the brunette looked good and he knew it.

The couple kissed before going to the lobby to meet the others. The group walked to the club without a care, the excited energy coming back tenfold. Even Yoongi, who was nervous from his plan had loosened enough to have fun. They went in and found that the club had a restaurant attached. Not wanting to miss out on the L.A. cuisine, the band had took advantage and ordered food.

Yoongi smiled warmly at his future fiancè, watching him eat and tell a funny story to Jimin. The way he lit up when he laughed, his skin shining with that beautiful natural glow of his. Armies weren't lying when they compared the dancer to the sun. If Hoseok was the sun, Yoongi would gladly be blinded by his light. He suddenly felt a sharp jab on his left side, looking over he saw it was Jin.

"Are you gonna keep making googly eyes at him or actually go for it?" The elder asked with a waggle of his eyebrows. Yoongi immediately regretted telling him about his plan.

"It's not the right time yet..." Yoongi grumbled, glancing over at Hoseok to make sure he wasn't listening.

"It'll never be the right time, Yoon," Jin spoke as if he had experience, which he didn't. "But whenever you do let me know because you know I'm recording that."

Yoongi rolled his eyes and went back to eating his food. He looked over at Hoseok and found him already staring at him. They smiled at each other, the brunette's hand coming down on Yoongi's thigh and squeezing gently. The maknae line sputtered at the affectionate display, causing the lovebirds to roll their eyes. Soon as the food was finished and paid for, the group set their sights to the dance floor.

Hoseok offered Yoongi to dance, which the other was wary of until he saw other same sex couples dancing. Duh, this was a club in 2021, of course there'd be same sex couples. In Korea though, it's not as welcome than in the States. Paired with the fact that they were famous, everything about this was risky. But, Yoongi had always loved taking risks.

The look on Hoseok's face when Yoongi got up with him was priceless. The noirette wondered what his face would look like when he proposed. He didn't have time to wonder as his boyfriend came up behind him and guided his movements to the song that was playing. Yoongi didn't pay attention to anything else as the brunette held his hips, his own arms coming around the taller's neck. The fact that anyone could look over and see who they were was exciting.

Soon though Yoongi got tired, his body finally giving out from all the dancing and work he did that day. Hoseok continued dancing, his body living off of it like it was air. He surprised Yoongi by kissing his cheek and patting his butt as the noirette walked away. It was bold, and probably wouldn't have been done if not for the drinks the younger had earlier. Yoongi rolled his eyes at the dancer's antics and went to sit at the bar next to Jungkook.

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