
693 12 2

Desc: Your mum has to leave you which she knows you hate so she gets someone special to look after you while she's gone. Requested!!

"Mum can't you just call in sick. Ask to rearrange tomorrow then uncle Tommy can come over."
"Y/n you haven't seen uncle Tommy in years. He's only just moved round here so let him settle in. Anyway, I think you'll get along very well with my friend Samantha's son."
"Sure will mum" I said sarcastically
"Less of the sarcasm. You've probably seen him around. He's a lovely boy and only five years older than you." I could tell from her tone that she knew more than she was telling me
"He's twenty four? Why you having a twenty four year old babysit your fucking nineteen year old kid?"
"It's not babysitting. Just sit down. I am going to this work thing whether you like it or not."
"Sorry. Can I at least have a hug before you go?" He face softened and she opened her arms for me to walk into them. Mid hug there was a knock at the door so she pulled away and smiled at me
"That's him. I'm gonna head out and send him in. Okay sweetheart?" I nodded "And you're bed before I get back. I don't care about sleeping just want you in your room."

"Hiya love." I froze and refused to turn around to see who I thought it was, probably to save myself the embarrassment since it most likely wasn't him "Ya gonna keep your back to me all day? Bit rude, your mum told me you love my stuff."
"Dom?" I asked turning around to look up to him. He nodded but the wide smile on his face had dropped when he saw I'd been crying, my anxiety only doubling when I saw that he'd noticed it "I'm fine I promise i-"
"No need to explain yourself to me. I'm gonna order us some food. What do you want?" I smiled slightly since he was being so gentle and kind of skating over it to stop me feeling anxious
"Uh, I don't know. Fancy a burger I guess."
"Okay. You can get what ya want." He sat down on the sofa, making himself at home "You gonna sit or what?" I nervously sat down and the room was kinda quiet since he was ordering food for the both of us.

The silence made me get anxious again and I just stared at the door completely zoned out
"Hey princess. You alright?"
"Huh? Did you just call me princess?" He smiled
"Yeah. I did. Your mum said it calms you down when people 'baby you'." I nodded but still didn't calm down "You want a cuddle?"
"No. I'm fine Dom. It's weird if i-" he cut me off by pulling me into him, settling in the position that he must've decided we were staying in. I couldn't calm down though so he kissed my forehead softly
"Gonna need you to breathe for me darlin'. Just copy me and you'll be alright." I nodded, trying my hardest to focus on his breathing and nothing else. I didn't even realise when I'd corrected it because I was so settled with my cheek against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. He didn't move me though, and when I eventually did tune back into reality he was looking down at me with a huge smile on his face. I subconsciously mirrored the expression and suddenly it hit me
"Holy shit. Yungblud is in my living room." I said, in genuine shock. He started laughing
"That I am. Why? You want me to go?"
"No. I like it here. I don't wanna be alone when my mum's gone. But no one has ever calmed me down like you." I moved my head back down, no longer looking at him
"Well our mums are friends. So you're welcome to come along when they hang out. Meet my family." I nodded "And maybe come to some shows." I bit my lip as I smiled, trying to contain how excited I was at the prospect "You wanna stay there until the food comes?" I nodded
"If you don't mind. I think it'll help me stay calm."

"You want me to tuck you in?"
"What?" I asked in shock "I don't wanna go up. Mums not home."
"You have to go up. Or I'll get in trouble. And then you probably won't have me here again. If I'm being honest your mum's a pretty scary lady" I tried to laugh but I still felt sick and I was starting to panic again. It never really went away but the panic attack prospect was slowly rearing it's ugly little head again. He noticed too and held both his hands out for me to grip them, pulling me up and making me gasp with how fast it was "Hey. I'm sorry I scared ya. You want me to wait upstairs with you?"
"Yeah. If that's alright with you." He smiled softly
"It's fine."
He followed me up and to my room, standing awkwardly whilst I got into bed. He pointed to the floor right next to the bedframe
"I'll sit here yeah? Right with ya" I nodded and he sat down with his back against the bedframe, facing the door. I moved so I was on my side and reached out to run my hand through his hair trying to calm myself down though it wasn't working that well. He didn't say anything for a while, making me think he didn't care, but I jumped when he finally spoke out "A lot of people have wanted to do that, count yourself lucky." I pulled my hand away "You still panicking?"
"Yeah" I said shakily
"You gotta breath with me sweetheart." I started running my hand through his hair again "In....and out. Go on keep doing that" I continued practicing the breathing and eventually grew sleepy "You tired now?"
"Can't sleep till mums back." I said sleepily
"Yeah you can" he stood up, making my hand fall flat against the bed "Goodnight. I'll be just downstairs."
"No. Stay please."
"Okay. Bit longer." I smiled satisfied with my response before eventually getting tired again "Goodnight y/n. Sweet dreams" he whispered before I finally drifted off

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