It's okay, im here

475 8 13

Desc: Walking at night is something you always hated ever since that specific night. But dom makes it better for you
Requested by yungwriting ope I did your request justice x

"Taxis gonna take a while. We can walk?" I looked up at dom but he didn't look too keen on the idea. The bar was filling up so I didn't fancy waiting in their either
"Don't think that's a good idea love." I rolled my eyes, I knew I shouldn't have told him what happened
"I'll be fine. All that happened a long time ago." He took a deep breath, clearly trying to stop himself starting an argument over it. It was never a malicious one but he'd always be firm when the idea was suggested - the answer was no. Now he looked as though he was changing his stubborn mind and considering it "Sorry. We'll just wait." I mumbled after he'd been long enough
"Sweetheart no." He said softly "We can walk yeah? But as long as your absolutely fucking adamant that you're gonna be okay."
"I am." He nodded "So it's okay?"
"Baby I shouldn't have made you feel like you have to ask if somethings okay. I just wanna make sure you're safe." He kissed my forehead gently "Come on. Let's get going. I'll tell Tom we're on our way back."
"Okay." I replied, feeling a little bad for making him give in when he clearly wasn't comfortable "Yknow what. If it makes you uncomfortable we can leave it. Just wait."
"No." He slotted his phone in his pocket "You feel like you can do it and I'm not gonna rain on your parade. Not tonight."
"Hold my hand though."
"The whole time."

The road we had to walk down was lined with bars and clubs. And along with that came the crowds of people outside of them. Dom occasion squeezed my hand tighter or pulled me ever so slightly closer when the groups became rowdy, particularly the guys. But they never said anything to me. That was, until we got to one of the more known bars for those kinda guys. The bar where it last happened. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. But the wolf whistling started when one turned around
"What did you do to pull a fit one like her mate?" Dom rolled his eyes
"Look, he's not even willing to fight." One of the others said, moving over to try and intimidate dom. He got right into his face and then laughed at him "Come on sweetheart. I could show you a good time."
"No you fuckin can't." The whole group of lads erupted with a see of 'ooh' since they knew a fight was brewing
"He can fight?" The guy said in mock disbelief. He looked at me again "Your man a good fighter?" I shrugged "Answer me pretty?"
"Sweetheart go into the hotel over there."
"No. Come on." I kept tugging at his arm but he wouldn't budge "Dom please." I begged
"You wanna talk about my girlfriend like that mate?" He goaded, making me roll my eyes and tug at his arm more
"And what?" The guy came over to me and without warning squeezed my arse. That made me freeze and start to panic.

Doms POV
That was it. Her grip went loose and I took the opportunity to lunge forward and punch the guy that did it
"Touch anyone like that again and I swear you make it out alive" I threatened, somehow scaring him and his friends back inside. I turned to y/n and she looked terrified, still frozen in the same spot as before "Come on Princess." She didn't respond so I gently touched her shoulder, making her flinch but also bringing her back into reality
"Gone sweetheart. Do you wanna go home? Or back to mine?" She didn't say anything back and I watched her get worked up before hugging me tight. She sobbed into my chest and just let me hold her in the street "It's alright I'm here. Baby I got you"
"He just touched me like that. It happened again dom. What did I do wrong?"
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm here for you baby girl. The whole way."

He put a hoodie and a pair of joggers on the bed beside me and signalled to them. I was too tired and prepared to sleep in my dress
"Do you want help sweetheart?" I nodded slowly and he helped me stand up again, moving me over to the mirror. At first I was confused but I soon realised it was so I could see exactly what he was looking at and where he was touching. It heart melt at how he softly undid my zip, asking for permission as he went. He kissed my back when he pulled it down "Gorgeous you darlin."
"It's all yours." He undid my bra and took it off, quickly covering my top half with the hoodie. He then spun me around so my back was to the mirror
"It's all yours princess. Every bit of it. I just get the pleasure of seeing it in everything you wear."
"Or don't." I smirked and he seemed quite surprised at my sexual humour considering the events of the day "Thanks for making it better." He smiled and I leaned forward ever so slightly signalling it was okay to kiss me. It was only soft though and I smiled after
"Can I cuddle you? Love it when you're sleeping so close to me."
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you too baby. And I'll always be here for you."

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