Leave Me Behind

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Desc: The first trip to Doms place in London leads to feelings of being left behind, but he tried his best ti reassure you its not like that

"You good?" I nodded "Do you want me to stay with you for a bit?"
"Haven't needed you to do that since we were about twelve." He chuckled but still seemed to pick up on how I wasn't myself
"Y/N sweetheart, is everything alright. You haven't said anything since you got in the front door." I froze, he was calling me a name he only called me when I was upset. Tom coined it as 'whipping out the 'sweetheart'' because it was what he said to make me cave. Usually it did make me cave. But I couldn't break his heart so I just smiled and turned to him
"I'm fine dom. Just really tired. That drive down always kills me. And its even further now to here" He smiled softly
"Well good night. I'm just talking to Tom downstairs if you need me."
"Okay. Night." He wasn't fooled, I knew he wasn't, but he let it slide most likely in favour of asking Tom for advice on it later
"I'm gonna come wake you up tomorrow because we've got things to do okay?" I nodded "Right. Sleep well man."

Doms pov
"Do you know what is up with y/n?"
"I might." Tom offered, not looking up from his phone as I sat down next to him. He didn't say anything more which frustrated me
"What might you think?" I pushed, he chuckled and looked over at me
"You've known each other so long that maybe she's just overwhelmed with the scale of your life now." I raised an eyebrow making him chuckle again and shake his head "I just think she feels like you're slipping away. And she's not part of it."
"But she is-" I began to defend
"But she's not. She's part of doms life, and his biggest supporter. But she never was and never will be a part of yungblud." I nodded "You're gonna have to speak to her. She won't tell you."
"I know. Feel bad I let her think I'd leave her behind." He put his hand on my shoulder
"You didn't. This," he gestured around the room "This did."

Y/Ns pov
It was a house. It didn't feel like home, not like all the other places. They were small and cute and, though admittedly riddled with damp or other problems, felt safe and homely. This place just felt big and lonely. He wasn't poor growing up, he had a big house there, but that was his parent success and not his. This was the evidence for his fame. And how far he was beginning to go. Further away from everything I knew as dom and closer and closer to whatever yungblud was. But it made him so happy. I saw the joy in his eyes when he talked about the BHC and everything they stood for. I knew that was everything he cried at night about wanting when we were growing up, pity it didn't include me. I was brought out of my thoughts by a gentle knock on the door, and I panicked when I realised I'd been crying
"Y/N?" I didn't say anything and he opened the door, sighing when he saw me "Awe y/n" He cooed, he put his arms out
"No." I fought back
"Please, just wanna make it better as best I can."  He sat on the bed but only on the very edge
"No dom. I don't need you."
"Baba please." I looked him dead in the eye at the use of the nickname "Yeah, 12 year old me's still in there somewhere. And 12 year old you is still somewhere in you."
"But you let her go. For all this shit." I waved my arms around the room to gesture to the little setup "You don't want them kids anymore." He looked down, biting his lip indicating he was thinking of something to say "12 year old us aren't around anymore i'm not-"
"Yeah? Well maybe I don't want them to fucking be!" I gasped at him snapping at me, but he didn't look at me like he did when he was genuinely angry. He was just frustrated "Maybe I wanted to forget how traumatised we both were and make it better now like I couldn't then."
"But I don't wanna lose dom."
"I'm right here." He said, his voice raised but breaking, his lip in a slight pouty frown "I never went anywhere." He looked over at me in an attempt to be sincere
"But you did. And I got left behind because...cos you made it big and you've got them now." I trailed off towards the end, mumbling it more or less "it's all rich and fancy and famous for you. But I'm not that. I'm not enough anymore." I looked up at him but couldn't bare to do so for very long since he was crying at what I had said. I laid down and curled up on my side, listening to him cry since it was all I felt I could do. He got up and I expected him to leave but he made his way round to the other side of the bed
"Baba?" I shook my head "Y/N? You're always enough."
"Not anymore."  I mumbled. He didn't give me an option, he just settled on lying down beside me
"You are. Promise you that you are enough for me. And all of this is just money, it doesn't mean I've outgrown you. Promise."
"But you have them."
"You're upset I get it, but if I were to leave it all behind for you you'd be mad at me." He brought me closer to him and gently kissed the top of my head "I'm so proud of you."
"Why? Don't have all this like you." He sighed "I'm sorry."
"No no, I get it. It's scary seeing all this because it shows how well I'm doing." I nodded "But you got out, and you proved you could do it. You're so much healthier now. And I promise that the one good part of your childhood isn't going anywhere." I smiled
"Promise you won't leave me behind. Because you're so big and so many people are gonna want to be your friend and be in your life."
"I won't want them as much as you."
"Promise me." He pulled me away from him so we could hold eye contact for a moment
"Promise you I'll never leave you behind y/n. My best friend always."
"For lifers." I said, smiling. He chuckled
"You'd go around saying that to people. Bet they'd be surprised we never got together."I shook my head
"Best friends always." He nodded and I moved so I was back to cuddling him "Please don't leave me behind."
"You're enough for me. Always have been and always will be."

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