#3 Their lack of speed

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"And now one more announcement. I am happy to announce about the engagement between my son Alexander Gideon Lightwood and the Downworld leader-"

Maryse was interrupted by a loud bang as the doors of the Institute opened, indicating someone who came inside the Ops Centre a few moments later.



Alec's eyes widened seeing Ragnor come into the Institute when his fiancé was about to come. He felt nothing whatsoever looking at Ragnor and he was pretty sure Ragnor is not a person he will get along with.

"So I am here to tell you-"

He was about to have second thoughts about this proposal, but Raphael quickly came inside behind him, confusing the Shadowhunter.

"Did you tell them yet?" the vampire asked him, swiftly.

"You just interrupted me halfway!" the Warlock responded, exasperated.

"Old Warlocks and their lack of speed, dios mio," Raphael muttered, "We just came here to inform you that your oh so wonderful to be son-in-law is held up with some work for which he was specifically needed, and so sent us both to tell you that he will be here as soon as he can," he continued in a loud voice, and in such a speed that it took everyone, except Isabelle who nodded at him immediately, two seconds to understand what they were told.

Hearing Raphael, Alec was even more confused. Who was his fiancé that he was needed for something, instead of Ragnor who was a powerful Warlock himself and Raphael, who was the leader of the New York Vampire Clan? But Alec didn't pay attention to it, as Maryse talked again, grabbing everyone's attention.

"So if that is the case, then today's meeting is adjourned. There will be another meeting at the end of the day, to make the official announcement. For now, you can all carry on with your work." Maryse turned to Alec, nodding at him, as if gesturing him to follow her, which he did without question.

Both of them went back to her office, though Robert was not present there this time. She turned around and the first thing she did was hug her eldest son tightly. Alec was surprised at first, but he quickly recovered and wrapped his arms around her, his chin on her head.

"Alec, I know this is going to be a big change in your life, probably even the biggest. I am seriously again telling you, if you don't want to go ahead with this proposal, you don't have to. No matter what the Clave thinks, your happiness is my priority."

"I know, mom. But don't worry, it's not like I am being forced. But for some reason, my gut feeling made me accept the proposal, and you know how I am about instinct and leading with my heart as much as I can. So you don't have to worry about anything."

"As long as you are sure about it, then I am okay with it too Alec." Maryse said, still in his embrace, before pulling back and trying to wipe off tears that suddenly came. Seeing the tears, Alec furrowed his brows and reached to grab her hands.

"Anything wrong, mom?"

Maryse chuckled and shook her head, looking at her son with a small smile.

"These are tears of joy, Alec. I never thought I would see the day you get married this soon. I am so proud of you, and I am glad you are getting a chance now at a happy life," she said, making the Shadowhunter smile back.

"Speaking of which, since you are sure about this, the Downworld representatives asked us if we could just have the wedding in two days time? If that is okay with you too?"

Alec was shocked for a second but he quickly nodded at her, brightening Maryse's smile. He then cleared his throat, wanting to ask her what he actually planned on asking.

"That's fine, Mom. Better to get this done than postpone it, I guess. But anyway, I wanted to ask you who-"

"Alec, I forgot to tell you the most important thing! So, your father has now accepted a position at Idris for the time being, let's say, a few months. And so you are offered his position as one of the Heads of this Institute, alongside me. I don't know if this position is being offered indefinitely, but for the next few months, yes," she chuckled looking at Alec's saucer wide eyes.

"Also, since he was offered this position now, Robert has been called back to Alicante, and he told me he will try his best to attend the wedding, but I don't know for sure. I am so sorry Alec," she continued, with eyes showing sympathy.

But Alec didn't have time to react to this, since the next second, the door knocked, because some Shadowhunter wanted to report to Maryse. But he nodded to Maryse, silently showing his acceptance to the new position offered and that he will speak to her more later, and went out in the direction of the only place he thought he would feel calm now - the training room.

Before going there, he went to his room, changing into his training gear - a dark grey tank top that hung on his body just in the perfect places, accentuating the already present muscles, and sweatpants of similar colour.

Going into the training room, he started with warmup and stretches first. Anybody who could see him from the side or from a distance could see the dedication he put through while training.

The way his muscles tensed and relaxed when needed was something you needed to observe very closely and with utmost focus to see, for the Nephilim did it with such grace, it looked very easy.

He moved with such clarity and precision, that there was never a lack of control at any point. Finishing with stretches, he went forward to grab the bo staff from the weapons rack, twisting it with ease as he did so.

The Shadowhunter twisted and turned it with utmost coordination, bending his body as needed when he did so. Destroying more than a few training dummies with it, he moved on to grabbing his seraph blade.

Normally, he would work on the speed of his moves and choreograph new ones, but today, he needed the calm he found when he observed himself and corrected the details in every move of his.

His eyes moved with the blade as he slowly did a few basic moves, going over and repeating it when he needed to. After finally being satisfied with his corrections, he placed the blade down, before turning to a dummy, fists closed and in position.

Now he let go of the anger he was holding. How he was frustrated that his father prioritised his work over his son's wedding, for he knew his father "trying his best" always ended up in disappointment. He also realised he was annoyed with himself for being this naive and cowardly, not even being able to get to know the name of his fiance, let alone see him.

A few more training dummies were destroyed from the power, accuracy and strength in Alec's moves. From Karate to Boxing to traditional Shadowhunter moves, Alec did it all, with a compromise in every style he knew, getting the best of it all.

And for the last, he had saved his best. For he decided to end it all peacefully after letting go of all the chaos. He grabbed his bow.

Tying the quiver and taking the necessary guards he needed, Alec took a freestyle stance, and he let his body control itself. Doing everything from muscle memory, as he inhaled and exhaled naturally, aiming and releasing arrows into the centre of the targets as he did so.

Spending all the time he needed to release some steam, Alec finally sat down by the side, evening out his breathing as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"I am guessing by what I was told, you are my fiancé, aren't you?" came a voice from behind suddenly, making the Shadowhunter turn around and look at the entrance of the room.

At the moment, on the other side of the Institute, Jace was suddenly surprised, to say the least. For after so many months of not feeling anything through his Parabatai bond, today he felt something. Even if it was not so strong, he felt confusion and shyness coming off really fragile through the bond.

But here, in the training room, Alec stood up and walked away in the other direction, as fast as his legs could take him. 

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