distracted (♡)

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"this is gonna sound like a strange request, but... can you help me clean my office?"
it didn't take much more convincing than that for wilbur to follow alex into his office, which was high above the ground and every other building in the small country. as soon as he entered the room, the taller man was hit with an aroma that could only be described as dust, and was met with the sight of papers and books stacked on the floor and almost every surface in the room, along with empty bottles, plates, and garments like ties and hats thrown over the desk or the chair.
wilbur's nose crinkled in disgust. he knew it was insensitive, but he couldn't help it. did alex really live like this? however, after getting past the initial shock at what he saw in the office, he grew much more concerned than he was grossed out.
"welcome to The Needle," quackity breathed out as he stepped over to his desk and sat down in the leather swivel chair, gripping onto the arms and leaning his head back.
"that wasn't a very warm welcome." wilbur shook his head as he pulled off his brown coat and draped it over his arm.
"yeah, well, you're gonna have to suck it up," alex replied with a sigh. he set his feet on the ground and slid them across the floor, shifting the chair so he was looking out onto the sand and buildings Las Nevadas.
"do you really live like this, big q?" the meaningless question passed through wilbur's lips as the taller man stepped closer to his rival. he crossed his arms over his chest as he looked down at quackity. alex's eyes were shut and his facial expression could only be described as one of discomfort or frustration. there were beads of sweat dripping down his forehead from his thick black hair, which was covered almost entirely with the multicolored beanie that he never took off. his arms were hanging loosely over the arms of the chair and the red tie on his button-up shirt looked like it was about to slip off. quackity looked exhausted, to say the very least.
"well? do you?" will asked again, becoming a bit annoyed at alex's lack of response.
quackity opened his eyes, looking up so he met wilbur's gaze. the first thing the taller male noticed about alex's eyes is that they seemed empty. quackity, who was normally hyper, chaotic, and filled with life, seemed as if he was completely drained of everything he had in him before. it was *strange*. wilbur had never seen his rival like this before. and he had no clue what to do.
"yes, i do," quackity stammered, finally answering will's question.
"why didn't you answer me the first time i asked?"
"because, you already knew the answer," quackity breathed out. "what was the point of answering when you already knew?"
"you seem distracted, quackity," wilbur immediately replied as he stepped a little closer to big q's chair. "what's on your mind?"
"you're interrogating me," alex muttered. "i don't like it."
wilbur stopped for a minute, surprise replacing his previously emotionless facial expression. he *had* been asking a lot of questions.... but why did he care? quackity was his rival, his enemy. he destroyed his country, he *laughed* when he and tommy were exiled. so why should he, wilbur, give a flying fuck about the way that alex felt? ...there was no answer to it, but that didn't change the fact that he felt slightly guilty for making the smaller male uncomfortable.
"...alright," he spoke finally, slapping his hands together. he walked away from alex's chair and set his gloved hands on the desk, leaning his weight on his arms. "what do you want me to do?"
"i guess we can start with sorting out the papers on the desk," quackity replied in a tired voice, as he turned the chair back to the desk and swiveled over to it. "we can put the older stuff in one pile and the newer stuff in another. they should all have dates on them." he carefully dragged a stack of papers over to himself and started to sort. "that'll at least help me figure out what has to get done."
"alright," wilbur replied, then started to sort the papers. as the two of them worked in silence, will once again got lost in his thoughts. he really had no idea why he was doing this. he was helping quackity, of all people, clean his mess of an office, and for what reason? yeah, it was a bit concerning that he had let it get this bad, but there was no reason in hell that will should care... so why did he?
the question was really starting to annoy the brunette. he had no idea why he felt this way around quackity. rather than the hatred he felt in the past, he felt care and endearment, like he wanted to hold alex in his arms and keep him safe. and he had no idea why.
as will refocused himself on the task at hand and reached for a paper, his hand brushed against quackity's, who was reaching for the same paper. wilbur was surprised at how cold alex's hand was, and he almost felt like there were explosions going off inside him after that touch.
they both retracted their hands almost immediately, alex pulling his hand away so fast that he hit another pile of papers and knocked the whole thing onto the floor.
they both stopped for a minute, looking at the mess that quackity had made.
alex then started to laugh.
wilbur was surprised, but he was happy! big q was laughing! that smile was back on his face, and it filled wilbur's heart with joy
"great job, big Q," he said in a fake-annoyed voice, but still walked to the other side of the desk to help quackity with the mess.
"shut up," he said in between giggled, kneeling down on the ground and starting to pick up the papers that were now scattered all over the floor.
will chuckled and kneeled down across from quackity to clean up the papers.
"thanks," alex said as soon as the mess was cleaned up. wilbur nodded in response, and they both stood up to go back to their spots at the desk. what quackity didn't notice is that there was a paper underneath his foot, and as soon as he moved to walk back over to his chair, he slipped.
alex startled and reached his arm to the side, trying to catch himself on his desk or the chair. but instead of falling onto the floor like he was expecting, he was instead caught in the warm and strong arms of wilbur.
he looked up in surprise. he wasn't expecting the other to care at all that he was falling, let alone catch him. he was actually expecting him to laugh. but instead, wilbur stepped in front of quackity and wrapped his arms around him tightly so he would fall. big Q saw a calm smile on wilbur's face when he looked up. he found that his own arms were wrapped around will's waist and the taller male didn't seem to want to move from the position, so alex didn't move, either.
"hello, darling," wilbur chuckled. he reached his hand down and tucked some of quackity's hair behind his ear.
"hey there, shitass." alex leaned his head on wilbur's chest, taking in the fresh scent of the yellow sweater the latter wore, listening to his heart beat steadily.
"quackity," he spoke lowly in the smaller male's ear, leaning his head down. "take off your beanie."
"what?!" alex shouted, immediately pulling away and backing up. he pulled his beanie even further over his forehead and frowned angrily. "hell no! why the hell would i take it off?!"
wilbur chuckled again, that low, deep, quiet chuckle that he always had. it was the kind of laugh that would fill anyone with fear, but quackity always found that it calmed him down.
will's hands gently clutched alex's upper arms and he started to walk him back over to the chair. "easy does it, big q," he teased, pushing him down to sit in the swivel chair. "let's get back to work, yeah?"
"fuck- sure, yeah, let's continue." quackity grabbed the bottom of his seat and moved it back in front of the desk. he attempted to refocus himself on the work, but he just couldn't get wilbur's words and laughter out of his head.
"you seem distracted," will said as he also continued to sort the papers. a vein in quackity's forehead twitched in frustration, looking up at wilbur, who appeared to be very satisfied at the moment. usually, alex was the one who would never stop talking, but it seemed that the roles were reversed this time around.
"do you ever stop talking, wilbur?" he asked as he looked back down at the desk.
will laughed loudly. "that's a bit hypocritical, don't you think, big q?"
"it's not, it's-!" quackity stopped and sighed. there was just no way he could even defend himself on this one. he looked up, his tired eyes meeting wilbur's. the taller male just smiled.
"fuck you." quackity dropped his head in defeat.
will chuckled and stepped around the desk and over to alex, gently wrapping his arms around the smaller male who was still seated in the chair. "admit it, my dear. i've won."
"you didn't win shit- oh forget it." quackity leaned his head onto wilbur and exhaled tiredly. will smiled and slowly slid alex's beanie off of his head. he didn't put up a fight, instead wrapping his arms around the taller male's back and curling his fingers around the soft fabric of the sweater.
wilbur slowly ran a comforting hand through alex's hair, which was damp from sweat. will wasn't sure what was on quackity's mind, but the smaller male was clearly troubled by something, and the brunette had a feeling that this would help calm him down.
"i... really hate you, you know," alex panted, slowly closing his eyes.
wilbur looked up for a minute and gazed out the window, admiring the pinks and oranges of the sky as the sun set over las nevadas. he directed his attention back to big q and smiled softly, never stopping the slow and gentle motion of his fingers combing through alex's hair. "i know you do, darling. i know you do."

i hope this one is enjoyed by people :D i wrote it a little while ago on a discord server (where i write most of my stuff) so i'm glad that i have somewhere to post it now :>
i love writing stuff like this ˊᵕˋ fluff is just so adorable
word count (without the a/n): 1764
- alex

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