cold (♡)

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"it's cold."
wilbur raised his eyebrow, glancing over at the man beside him. alex was sitting with his legs bent and his arms wrapped gently around his knees, the bangs and ends of his thick black hair blowing only slightly in the winter winds, as the rest of his hair was mostly held down by his beanie. his cheeks were painted a pale pink hue, and wilbur couldn't tell if this was because of the cold or because of his presence. either way, alex looked adorable. will smiled at the sight and looked into the smaller male's eyes. "no, it isn't," he replied simply
"what the fuck do you mean?! it's fucking freezing!" quackity shouted, wrapping his arms around his body and hugging himself tightly.
"it really isn't." wilbur chuckled quietly and leaned his weight back on his arms, his hands resting on the snowy rocks beneath them. "you get cold very easily, quackity. that's something i've noticed about you."
"yeah, no fucking shit," alex muttered as shifted so he was a little closer to wilbur, reaching both of his hands to the left and ghosting his narrow fingers across the sleeves of the trench coat on will's arms. he curled his fingers gently around the brown fabric, tugging on it slightly.
wilbur smiled once again and placed his hand by quackity's waist, his palm almost completely covering the small of his back. "what are you trying to do, ducky?" he whispered as he leant his head down so his lips were by the smaller male's ear.
alex shivered at wilbur's warm breath right by his ear, and blushed deeply at the nickname. "i'm trying to take your jacket," he replied honestly.
the taller male chuckled softly and began to remove his long coat. "you could have just asked, big q." he pulled off the jacket and wrapped his around quackity's shoulders, noticing that it was much bigger on alex than it was on him.
"thanks," the duck hybrid said quietly as grabbed the coat and pulled it tighter around himself.
"you're welcome," wilbur replied. "are you still cold?"
"a-a little bit, yeah," quackity admitted, kicking at the rocks as he averted his eyes from wilbur to the ground.
the taller man awed at that and wrapped a strong arm around alex's shoulder, pulling him close. "come here, then!"
quackity was surprised at the bold move, but he appreciated it, and definitely didn't resist. he smiled and leaned his head against the man's shoulder. "are you not cold, amor?" he asked as he looked back out at the lake before them.
"no, im not," will replied honestly as he offered alex a warm smile. "it honestly isn't that cold out."
"how the hell are you not cold?" the duck hybrid asked confusedly, turning his head to the side so he could look into wilbur's eyes. it didn't make sense to him how the man wasn't cold; it was quite cold and windy that day, and the sun was completely hidden by a blanket of grey clouds, some lighter, some darker.
"i dunno," wilbur replied with a chuckle. "i'm just not."
alex giggled quietly. "fair."
the two sat like that for a while, listening to the small waves gently crashing on the rocky beach just a couple meters from their feet, just enjoying the peaceful moment together.
as much as quackity wanted to stay on the beach for much longer, he was starting to shiver from how cold it was getting, despite being wrapped in wilbur's coat. *and* his arm. he opened his mouth to say something, but will had already noticed.
"are you cold?" he asked when he felt his beloved begin to shiver beside him.
"yeah, kinda," alex replied. "can we go back now?"
wilbur smiled warmly. "of course."
the two stood up and laced their fingers together, starting the short walk back to where the older male lived on the outskirts of las nevadas. his house was small but cozy, and since he lived there alone, he would have alex come over often.
the duck hybrid sighed in relief as soon as they entered the warmth of wilbur's house, kicking off his shoes by the door. "that feels a lot better," he said, his voice laced with slight laughter.
"ah, that's good," wilbur replied. he also took off his shoes and locked the door, then took quackity's hand again to lead him into the living room. "do you want anything to eat?" he asked.
"mm, maybe. i'm kinda hungry," he hummed.
wilbur wrapped his arms around alex's waist and pulled him close. "how about i make us crepes?" he offered, swaying slightly as he held the smaller male.
quackity giggled and wrapped his arms around wilbur's neck, leaving a small kiss by his jaw. "but it's the middle of the afternoon."
"you don't mind having breakfast for lunch, do you?" will placed his finger beneath alex's chin and tilted his head up, leaving a few kisses on his neck.
quackity laughed and laced his fingers through the brunette's soft hair. "nope."
"alright then. i'll be right back, dear," wilbur said as he pulled away from the embraced and stepped into the kitchen.
alex smiled and sat down on the couch, grabbing one of the soft blankets thrown over the side and wrapping it around himself to make himself comfortable. he shut his eyes for a bit and relaxed in the warmth and comfort of the blankets, waiting for will to return to the room.
in a couple minutes, the taller male stepped back into the living room, holding a plate of crepes and two steaming mugs of hot chocolate. he smiled when he saw alex half asleep on the couch and set the food on the coffee table so he could wake him.
"alex, baby. wake up," he said gently as he leaned down and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders.
quackity hummed quietly and opened his eyes. he blinked a few times before fully waking up, and startled slightly when he saw how close wilbur's face was to his.
will chuckled and pulled away. "did i scare you, darling?"
quackity blushed and giggled. "yeah, in a good way."
the taller male smiled and gently pulled the blanket away from alex, causing him to whine loudly. "what the fuck was that for?!" he asked, to which will responded by simply pressing his finger to alex's lips and shushing him.
"i don't want any food to get on the blanket," he replied as he set his hands on alex's waist. he lifted the boy only slightly so he could sit with his back against the arm of the couch, and then pulled the smaller male close once again, so he was sitting in between his legs with his head against his chest.
quackity smiled and leaned back, relaxing. "you're warm."
"i know," wilbur answered as he smiled and reached over to the coffee table to take the plate. he set it on quackity's lap and handed him a fork, taking one for himself as well. "enjoy."
alex's mouth watered at the sight of the crepes, which were stuffed with nutella and garnished with sliced strawberries and powdered sugar. wilbur was a good cook, but quackity wasn't one for giving compliments. he instead turned his head to he could look at the taller male seated behind him and smiled mischievously. "only one plate? how romantic~" he teased.
wilbur blushed a bit and smirked, pecking alex's lips. "be quiet and eat."
in a few minutes, the couple had finished the plate of food, and were now both sipping on their hot chocolate, which was somehow still steaming after sitting out for so long.
"can we take the blanket out again?" alex asked as he finished his sweet drink, setting the mug on the coffee table.
wilbur held up one finger, gesturing for quackity to wait for  a minute, and finished the rest of his hot chocolate. he set the mug down and smiled. "yeah!"
alex smiled widely and leaned forward to grab the blanket from the other end of the couch, pulling it around them again. "oh.. you can't really get any, can you, will?" he noticed.
"hold on," wilbur spoke. he gently grabbed quackity by the waist and shifted their position once again so they were both laying with their heads on the pillow and their legs tangled together, the soft blanket resting over both of them. alex smiled even wider at the warmth of the blanket and hugged will tightly, pulling him even closer.
the taller male grinned and wrapped his arm around quackity's waist, using the other to knock the beanie off of his head and lace his fingers through his black hair. "hi darling."
alex practically melted into wilbur's touch, leaning his head onto his hand. "hóla, cariño."
"i have no idea what that means."
the smaller male laughed and pecked wilbur on the lips. "i said exactly what you said, idiot."
"you called me 'darling'?!" he asked, pretending to be offended. "that's my thing, big q!"
he giggled some more and playfully smacked will in the chest. "yeah, i fucking know that. you make it quite obvious."
"and you love it." wilbur kissed the top of alex's head.
"yeah, i really do."
the duck hybrid breathed in and out deeply, taking in everything about the moment. the warmth, the coziness, the soft feeling of the blanket against his forearms, the gentle way in which the taller man's arm held his waist. everything about the it was perfect, and he wished that it could last forever. whenever he was with will, he felt safe, like he didn't have anything to worry about. no reviving schlatt, no visiting dream, no territorial battles with snowchester. all of that could wait till later. for now, he could close his eyes and rest, and he knew that at least in this very second, everything would be okay.
"te quiero mucho," alex whispered as he felt himself slowly falling asleep.
wilbur smiled widely and wrapped both of his arms around his beloved, pulling him closer than before. everything about alex was so lovely, so beautiful, yet so fragile. he had to protect him, no matter what happened. "i love you too, darling. and i always will."

another one :D this one was requested by one of my best friends, and i wrote it all on discord, so i figured it would just add it here
also considering maybe doing a oneshot about A/B/O quackbur... idk tho
- alex

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