Chapter 7: Monster Weaknesses

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The next class was monster weaknesses and how to kill them.

Most kids just shortened it into monster class, so Zach started calling it that too.

Zach entered the class last, and had to be seated in the last open chair witch was right next to one of girls that was staring at him yesterday.

"Hello again," said the girl.

"Hi... Weren't you one of the girls that couldn't stop staring at me?" Zach asked.

"Hey! You don't have to put it that way! My name is Ashley, by the way, you?"


There were books on the tables and Zach grabbed the one in front of him and flipped through it until he came across one that intrigued him. It read about Angels, a tier 9 monster, one of the three flying monster types there are. They can resemble humans at times and they shoot razor-sharp feathers from their wings, they also can fire a lightning-like attack from their hands.

"Hello class. My name is Mr. Wright, and I'll be teaching you about the monsters that you've been sent to this school for. In case you hadn't noticed this school isn't like any that you've seen before. That's because this is a school specializing in the traning of how to kill monsters. If you've seen things about these monsters in the news, it isn't fake, monsters are very much real. In fact, just to prove my point, I have brought one of the weakest ones with me today," he paused for a moment to bend down and get out a cage from behind his desk and set it down on a table. The thing inside was small, brown, and very, very fluffy. "This is an Abbertac, don't be set astray by its fluffyness and by how small it is," at this point he pulled out a cane and put the end in the cage and the Abbertac opened its mouth, exposed its many rows of teeth, and chewed off the end of the cane.

"You should never underestimate any type or tier of monster no matter what, or your arm could be like this cane."

"Cute, but deadly. I like that..." Ashley commented.

Mr. Wright continued his lesson on the Abbertac, "The only weakness this monster has is its tail, if you pull on its tail it will cause extreme pain to the little thing. Now if you cut off its stubby, little tail, it will instantaneously die. Sure, you could just stab it to death, but that's not as efficient..."

The class ended and Zach couldn't wait to go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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