Chapter 1

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(So this is a 1st person account of Naruto's life after the war and I just wanna say that I haven't seen the last movie yet so if something I say is inaccurate to the movie then don't blame me. Also if u r dumb and can't figure it our yourself it is from Naruto's point of view 

*has Naruto tied up in the background* *Naruto makes muffled screams* SHUT UP NARUTO!!)

I sighed and looked up to the ceiling, yet again I was fully healed and Sakura thinks that I should stay here for another week. I'm not even gonna bother escaping this time. It isn't worth the trouble. My arm did kinda look like crap though...This would be so much less boring if Sasuke was awake, but the baka was dead asleep.

I look up slowly to see Hinata in the door way ¨You just gonna stand there? Or are you gonna come in?¨ I muttered. It was a bit more rude sounding than I meant it to be but, I was tired and still kinda pissed about my situation. 

Hinata always...and strode in. To be honest I kinda liked the brunette (IT SAYS SHE IS BRUNETTE IN THE FUCKING MANGA SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!) Okay...that was a understatement..I more than liked her.  ¨N-Naruto-sama, I-I wanted t-to talk to y-you...¨ she was kinda annoying. 

¨Hmm? What about." I said ¨And, please stop using honorifics. I'm your friend it is unnecessary¨ She blushed again and sat down in the chair next to the bed. She smelled nice, kinda like lemongrass and lilacs. It was a bit comforting as the rest of the hospital smelled of cleaners and antiseptic. 

¨I wanted to talk to you about...w-well...I know you have been busy so I let it slip by....but..about what I said to you during your fight with pein¨ She said blushing and stuttering the whole time

Ï blushed softly as I suddenly remembered what she said and looked away so she didn't see the blush ¨O-oh that...well I've been a bit busy sooo...I haven't thought it over¨

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