Comfort - Boffy (Drabble)

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I leaned away from Y/N's hand yet again as I continued to write what had happened this day. Yup writing down stuff. Boring I know but it's kinda what I do when there's nothing better to do. Satan please don't think I did this willingly the first time. Y/N wanted me to do it because 'I had to do something else than torture animals' maybe she was right maybe she was wrong. But I guess it was something. I was snapped away from my thoughts when I felt a warm and gentle hand rest atop mine.

"Clingy little shit."

Despite my comment (which made her laugh) she still didn't let me go. I sighed pulled my hand away and instead of taking it back to my side I filled in the spaces between her fingers and ahem, willingly held her hand. I'm the best significant other you can ask for I know. I felt her lean into my shoulder which I pretended like it made me uncomfortable yet we both knew I loved it when she did that. Well shit, here I am confirming that I'm some pathetic touch starved person. That's great. I frowned even more when I felt a tug on my sleeve.



I saw Y/N point to our shared bedroom with her eyes wide. I opened my mouth to say no but words didn't really wanna work with me today. I opened my mouth again but I still couldn't say anything. So I just shook my head. I saw Y/N answer with a huge frown which almost made me break but no. Nope I'm not giving in thi- I felt a hand play with my hair and a head droop onto my shoulder. Without thinking I slightly leaned into  her gentle hands. Shit. With a deep sigh I gave into her tries and stood up with a gleeful Y/N following at my heels.

I jumped into bed frowning at Y/N. Fuck my touch starved self. I then felt a small figure fall onto my body and without question I wrapped my arms around it. I felt a hand hold mine in the embrace and I'm not overreacting when I say it took everything in me to not melt at the touch. Not far from long I soon heard soft snores emitting from the Y/N. I contemplated whether I should leave and let her rest alone but the feeling of her slightly shuffling next to me finally broke me and made me stay.

Guess I'm gonna be sleeping well tonight.

MCYT Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora