Chapter 5 Killing loose ends. ♠

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Chapter 5

I walk in and see her after I specifically told her not to go to the police , and right now im mad. I leave and am outside just thinking , and I see my mom from the corner of my eye. I grab her from behind and throw her in a police car I grab her keys and start looking through her trunk. I find a rope and a bag and tie her with the rope and put her in the bag. I think and instead I take her car because they'll be wondering what her car is still doing here. I go up the hill and finally reach my underground basement.

Cary's P.O.V

   I could see through the bag a little and I see Mary's body. I try not to cry thinking does she know that's her grandmother? Next thing I know I get thrown on a bed and she ties me to the bed. The first thing I see is Marisa and I think to myself what have I raised or what has her father helped raise.

Marisa's P.O.V

    "Hey Mom." I say. I know im crying at this point and I could tell my makeup is running and all over my face. and I think about the song my dad used to sing to me. "Straighten up your shoulders." that line kept running through my head. "Honey just let me go and we can straighten all this out." She said this with a begging voice like if she was really sorry bit I didn't care. "BOOM." that's all I hear I open my eyes slowly and see my mom bleeding from her leg. Her cries bleeding out like the blood flowing from her leg. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh dad used to sing me this song........ " I stab her in the leg while singing. " Hush little baby don't cry everything's going to be alright.. hush little baby don't say a word... daddy's gonna buy you a mockingbird." her screams pained me after a while so I grabbed a old shirt and tied it around her leg. " You see im helpful." "Honey let me go we can put you in counseling you need help." "NO MOTHER you need help especially after this." I shot her other leg and stabbed it with the knife and sang the song. her screams of pain satisfied me. I felt alive. She looked at me crying and I took my makeup kit from my bag and started doing her makeup. "You see don't you remember when you used to do my makeup know I can do yours." she looked at me and her eyes were teary "No don't cry ... hush little baby don't you cry everything's gonna be alright..." I could tell this was going to be a beginning of a new day.

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