Chapter 10: I've never driven a limo before.

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"Which dress are you going to buy?" Danielle asked Eleanor.

"I'm going to get both and ask Louis for his opinion." She answered before placing the dresses on the counter.

"Oh my gosh, they're going to look lovely on you girls!" The teenage girl at the cashier gushed.

"Thank-you, what's your name?" I grinned. She was lovely.

"Roshni." She smiled. "And the total of all them are.........£1050.99 please."

"WHAT!" I shrieked.

"Liv, calm down its fine. Louis gave me there card." El explained

"But....but it's a lot of money." I whispered looking at the dresses I so dearly loved.

"There one direction for goodness sake! They could probably afford the whole shop!"

They stared at me waiting for my answer.

"Fine." I huffed and they clapped there hands excitedly before grabbing our bags and running out the shop like little children. Why am I friends with them? Oh right yeah, they're Liam and Louis girlfriends who I am staying with because my mum has been kidnapped and I have nowhere to say.........that reminds me I really need to talk to Paul about the whole "mum" thing.

I skipped out of the shop and the Danielle and Eleanor were with the boys who also had bags in their hands.

"Hey liv!" Niall smiled waving slightly at me.

"Hey Niall!"

"I've got something to show you later." Niall whispered in my ear causing shivers to run down my spine.

"Will I like it?"

"Hopefully." He chuckled and walked away to the other side of the 'circle' we were standing in.


"Is everyone done?" Harry asked.

We all looked at each other and nodded. Michelle took Harry's hand and walked ahead of all of us which wasn't good since we could see half of her backside with the the mini skirt she had on.

"Your going to look beautiful tonight."

"Zayn, you haven't seen my dress yet!" I giggled playfully punching him in the arm.

"You'll look beautiful in anything." He said softly into my ear.

I smiled and he suddenly grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly.

I looked up into his beautiful brown orbs and he lightly kissed my cheek.

I felt myself blushing before he let go of my hand leaving me standing there shock written all over my face.

Wow there's two teases today.

I shook my head and speed walked back to my group.

"Oh My God is that One Direction?" I heard a voice scream from behind me.

A flash caught my eye. I turned around and there was 2 girls about 5 metres away from us with cameras in there hands.


Another flash.

"RUN!" Liam yelled taking Danielle's hand and running off.

Instantly another 50+ girls came running towards us with there phones in there hand waving them about in a strange manner.

That's when things went in slow motion. I could see all these girls stampeding towards me yet my feet wouldn't move. It was like a had weights strapped to the bottom of my feet and I just stood there.

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