Chapter 19: Perfect date with the perfect man.

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"Niallll!" I moaned, dragging out the end of his name. (I bet you guys thought of something rude? Or is it just me?) "we've been out for ages and its getting dark."

"The darker the better." He winked at me causing me to chuckle. We have now been down various paths concluding of twists and turns and bridges and ponds. All every beautiful by the way but it would help if I could see.

"We're nearly there now so shhhhhh!" He shushed and unexpectedly pecked me cheek. I looked down embarrassed and slightly overwhelmed. Oh come on! It's not every day Niall horan kisses you.

We came to a gate. Being all gentleman like, Niall opened the gate for me and stood back allowing me to pass. Awh what a cutie pie!

"Stay here. I've got to go do something." His huge hand left mine as he walked away into the distance.

It was dark, windy and now that Niall wasn't here. I couldn't help but hear things and to be honest it scared the sugar out of me. Every bird that flew past made it sound like a serial killer with a chainsaw was going to jump out of the bushes and cut me into tiny tiny edible pieces. I've got a creative imagination. Don't judge.

Let me be honest, I'm scared of the dark and this really wasn't helping.

"Niall?" I called out shakily. "Niall?"

I heard the crunching of the leaves behind me. I turned around quickly but nobody was to be seen.

Me and my stupid imagination right....right?

I heard a husky chuckle but I couldn't find out the direction it came from so I was now walking round in a miniature circle. If anyone saw me now they would think I was mental.

"Niall, this isn't funny!" I whimpered.

"BOO!" Someone screamed in my ear causing me to literally jump out of my skin. Oh my! I'm going to kill that boy!

I turned around quickly and slapped him in the chest playfully but sternly.

"That wasn't funny!" I said with a angry face and tone.

"I-I-t was." He managed to say from laughing so hard.

I was still really annoyed at him but his laugh is so infectious. Whenever he laughs you can't help but laugh along.

After our laughing fit, he apologised sweetly and obviously I forgave him. Who can say no to his puppy eyes. They're just adorable.

I think it's one of the million things I love about him. One being that he's funny and has a sense of humour but he's sweet and caring and he knows the difference between them both for example now. He scared me but he said sorry for his actions. Two being that he's the cutest thing that has ever walked on planet earth and I love the fact that even though he's adorable, he's extremely hot at the same time. He's a very good mix between them both.

"So what have you got to show me?" I questioned. I was really eager and excited to see what he had planned.

"Close your eyes." He said not even answering my question.

"But I-" He brought his fingers to my lips so shush me. He then leant down so his mouth nearly touched my ear.

"Close your eyes." He whispered seductively. This boy is going to be the death of me.

I obeyed his instructions and he led me to some place. We weren't walking for long but he told me to stop and wait there. I did as I was told.

"I want you to open your eyes in 5..."





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