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OK so.. I CAN NOT SLEEP. I have tried everything, warm milk, counting sheep, even reading a book. I just can't get over my excitement. If i don't go to sleep i'll be tired and i'll probably be all grumpy at set! I really don't want that to happen.

God. What does a person do when they can't sleep?? Well how should I know if I can't? I did just write like a whole paragraph on it. It's literally 10:30pm at night. I guess i could do my homework but it is due next week.

What exactly even is the point of homework? It's called HOME WORK i don't get why people do their homework at school. I mean i don't blame them. I would do my homework at school if i had stuff to do. But i don't.

Other than be super excited I mean. Hm. I WONDER what it is like to be crazy famous. Heh. Maybe one day i'll know the answer to that. I've seen all sorts of videos and stuff and celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio and Alicia Silverstone getting chased around places. (Stan them for being unproblematic tho 🙌🏾).

One day day. Anyways, I could play some music. But i could wake the whole house up so not the best idea. I could... watch TV? Again that will also wake the house up. UGH I am so boreddddd.

I could go outside? Hm. yeah i could i guess. I quietly grabbed a pair of sneakers and a jacket from my closet, (PICK WHATEVER YOU WANNA WEAR) and quietly tiptoed down the stairs.

I went through the backdoor because the front door would he to obvious. My parents probably would have thought someone broke in or something. I stepped out the door and let the cold air hit my face. Literally.

I quietly closed the door and stepped onto the hard concrete pavement in my avocado pajamas with my f/c jacket and f/c shoes (F/C = FAVORITE COLOR) I looked up at the sky and saw the white stars twinkling above me.

There were a couple cars driving by, a black Toyota some guy on a motorcycle. I did get some strange looks. I don't blame them. If i was them and saw some 12 year old girl walking on the sidewalk looking up in the middle of the night i would be concerned to.

I walked up to the playground and sat on the swing set. If i did end up getting rich and famous we would probably move to somewhere much nicer than these cramped duplex homes. We don't even have our own backyard space.

I feel like when you just think about life you remember how much you've done during your lifetime. And just think about how much more you could do. As soon as i thought about that, i saw a shooting star. Mom always said they were good luck. And when you see one you make a wish. She also said she wished for a daughter and had me.

When I saw the shooting star wanna know what i wished for? I wished for this acting career thing to take off. I've always wanted to be rich and famous. I thought looking at the sand floor. Tracing my name in the sand. C...L...A...I...- Then a snapping noise snapped me out of my trance.

OMG!!!! THIS CHAPTER ALREADY HAS OVER 500+ WORDS!! Sorry for getting so excited! I am gonna try and make this authors note a bit shorter so I can get to bed. It's currently 10:47pm in Okinawa, Japan. Some people think it's a big flex to live in Okinawa. It's not as much of a flex. Well not to me atleast. Anyways, Stay humble, stay healthy, stay kind, and stay smart!


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