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I was the first one out of me and Otis to get to set. I guess he was still changing. When i got to our set area there was a TON of people. My heart kinda started racing.

When I was there I saw this guy wearing some type of head gear thing. I assumed he was the director. "Ah! There she is! Our star! Where is the other little child? Shouldn't there be two of you?" The director looking guy said. "Um. I'm Claire Thompson. I play Margaret Jenkins I'm pretty sure. And the other little "child's" name is Otis. and I think that he's still changing." I was somehow able to say in one breath.

"Well then. I'm the director Mr. Downey Junior. D.J. for short. But nobody calls me that. Kinda sad really. Anyways you were late so we started rehearsing the lines. Here is a paper filled with all of the lines and characters." "Can you please go over there to the piece of set with the bed? Where all the other girls are standing that would be great thank you." Mr. "D.J." said. "Um, alright. Your welcome?" I said.

So i walked over to the area with all the girls. Some of them looked my age. Some even older. They looked nice. Hopefully. I found one of the empty beds, quietly reading my lines. (She's just not like other girls you guys 🥺🥺/j) Then some girl came next to me. She looked around my age with Blonde hair and greenish brown eyes.

"Hi! I'm Mia! Mia Talerico! What's your name! Your very pretty! What character do you play! I play Marissa Gilmore!" She got cut of with a girl who looked around 14 with brown hair, "Mia calm down she looks annoyed. You talk so much and I just met you like 30 minutes ago. Sorry forgot to introduce myself, I'm Gabriela Burgos. What character do you play?" She said. I just looked at them trying to process what just happened.

"I'm Claire. Claire Thompson. And I play Margaret Jenkins. I came here with Otis Lort. We found him on the side of the road" I said plastering a fake looking but real smile.

"OTIS LORT?!" They both exclaimed at the same time. At that very moment Otis magically appeared to the call of his name. Just my luck. He had turned his head toward us looking at us like we were crazy. "Oh Jesus." I said under my breath. I smiled a VERY small smile it looked like a line. He smiled back and waved a little bit.

"He is so into you." Mia squealed. "Totally. Or maybe he's just nice Mia ever thought of that?" Gabriela said looking at Mia with her eyebrows raised. "Whatever, I like your hair Claire. It's super cute. Otis seems to like it." Mia said with a slight smirk. I turned my head around. She was right I guess. Because when I turned my head around I saw Otis staring at us.

He turned his head around quickly. "Now I see what you mean Mia." Gabriela whispered while still looking at Otis who found a pair of friends.

                           OTIS'S POV

After I got my outfit which was a gray striped top with high-waisted jeans and gray high top converse. I just went to the place where I heard a lot of talking. "THERE YOU ARE! OUR SECOND STAR! I know your name and call me Mr. D.J. or the director cause you know,I'm the director of course! Please go take a seat with those boys on that couch over there. Thank you for your cooperation goodbye now!" Mr D.J. said.

I went to the L couch that had two other boys talking on the other end. "OTIS LORT?!" I heard two girls yell. I looked over and saw three girls in a group. Claire was there too. They were wearing white nightgowns. Claire slightly smiled. I smiled back to her and waved. Then she looked away. Then I looked away and saw two boys around my age and one older looking coming towards me.

"Are yoy the real Otis Lort?" One of them said. "Of course he is the real one idiot." The other said. "Sorry about them, they're idiots. I'm Finn Wolfhard . That's Jacob Tremblay. And that's Christian Convery. We all met on set so we're all new. Everyone knows you, so you don't have to introduce yourself. You could if you want to but I wouldn't recommend it. They have issues and I met them around an hour ago.

"We do NOT have issues Finland." Jacob mumbled. "My name is NOT Finland it's Finn. And have your parents ever told you to respect your elders? You have absolutely no respect little boy." Finn stated to Jacob. Jacob didn't looked that impressed. I didn't either. I started looking around the room. Until my eyes fell on Claire.

Around 5 minutes later I saw a girl near Claire look at me and then look at Claire. They were talking and then Claire looked my way. I quickly looked away not wanting to face the embarrassment. My face then started to heat up. It was so embarrassing. Then Jacob and Finn stopped fighting. "Hey you okay? Your all red." Finn asked. "He's fine. He was looking at the black haired girl over there." Christian said while pointing. I had no realized he had seen me staring at Claire. Lord have mercy on my soul. This boy could be the death of me one day.

"Oh how cute. You've got a crush. What's her name. You've gotta tell us we're like best friends now right. Yeah yeah right? Anyways. I'll just let you tell us her name now." Jacob said. "Ok. Her name is Claire and I don't have a crush on her. I was just looking around the room and my eyes fell on her. And then she looked at me with those eyes. Those amazingly pretty eyes. That doesn't mean anything. Please don't tell her. And Jacob we aren't best friends we just met like two minutes ago." I said

"LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!"        •OTIS LORT•Where stories live. Discover now