A Hufflepuff and A Slytherin

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng was sweet french girl who had started attending Hogwarts in her 3rd year. She used to attend  Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. 

The blue eyed girl was sorted into Hufflepuff like people had predicted as soon as they saw her. She showed all  her traits of being a Hufflepuff on her very first day. She was really nice to everyone, she helped everyone; even some of the Slytherins liked her.

 Everyone knew the boy from Gryffindor - Adrien Agreste had feeling for the girl. He asked her out almost everyday and she rejected him everyday. But the boy didn't seem to get a message. People wondered why the girl rejected the young Agreste heir. They would be perfect together the most popular girl and the heart throb boy who is good at Quidditch after the Slytherin seeker of course. They were perfect for each other. When people asked the bluenette why she wouldn't accept the boy she just shrugged it off in clear annoyance. 

Little did they know that she was dating a certain Slytherin. He had her heart but no one knew. Marinette and Damian had decide to keep their relationship a secret to avoid unnecessary attention from press. Considering the Wayne's had a great name and reputation in the wizarding world as well as the muggle world. Not that Damian's father would mind making their relationship public but Damian preferred their relationship to be kept private and Marinette didn't seem to mind it.

Damain watched everyday as Marinette would reject the blonde boy who didn't seem to get a clue. Damian and Marinette both were annoyed. Marinette was tired of rejecting the boy countless time but he didn't take hint. Damian was getting jealous as he watched the Agreste heir flirt with his girlfriend. One day Damian couldn't  hold back. He went near the Agreste heir who was busy flirting with his girlfriend. His girlfriend who was clearly irritated by the blonde boy at this point. 

She saw her boyfriend walk towards her with a devilish smirk on his face the blue eyed girl was unsure of what was gone happen because she knew her boyfriend didn't liked the Agreste flirting with her.

Suddenly Damian was by her side and then he did the most unexpected thing the bluenette could have thought of her pulled her into a sweet passionate kiss in front on the entire school. Everyone was surprised as to why would the Damian Wayne kiss  Marinette Dupain-Cheng. After Marinette and Damian stopped kissing the look on the Adrien Agreste face was priceless while everyone just stood there shocked. 

Marinette was a literal ray of sunshine while Damian on the other was exactly opposite. Why would a sweet Hufflepuff date a cold ass Slytherin. It just didn't seem real; Guess opposites do attract. 

Damian finally decide to break the silence." I would appreciate if you stop flirting with my girlfriend everyday as you can see she is clearly annoyed by you and has rejected you every time you have asked her out." Damian stated in a cold voice while throwing a glare at the Agreste heir.

The young Agreste wasn't able to bring single word to his mouth; he clearly wasn't expecting Marinette to be dating someone. 

Now both Damian and Marinette had made it really clear to everyone that they were dating for the year.

While Adrien was their still processing what had happen the young couple had left and so had the entire crowd. Adrien snapped himself out of it he had realized what had happen. He had troubled the girl everyday by asking her out and flirting with her without realizing it had annoyed her. He never asked her why she would reject him. 

A few days later the Agreste heir had an realization that he was obsessed with the girl and didn't really have a thing for her. People soon saw the blue eyed Hufflepuff and the green eyed Slytherin being around each other a lot and they actual looked great together.


Hope you like it . I got this Idea at like 3 AM lol

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~Bye guys 💛🖤

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