Daminette Forced Marriage

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Marinette Dupain-Cheng daughter of Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. People say she is made perfect.

Prefect Grades?


Amazing Kind Hearted Personality?


Beautiful... perfect looking?

Oh boy Check that!


Check that too!

She was perfect, something every girl on the entire planet would wanna be. 

But what they didn't know was the struggle she was going through. She had to fulfill expectations, needed to be perfect all the time, nobody should be able to spot a flaw in whatsoever she did. She wasn't allowed to make mistakes in both her life as a civilian and a hero Ladybug. She had been fighting the Hawkybitch for 6 years now. She was tired every day as  she watched people die during akumas. Watching her friends, family die again and again. Watching as people mourn over the death of family members as she fought the akumas. Sometimes akumas were very tough. She needed to give miraculous to some people to save Paris. She watched as her the akumas almost killed her teammates. After many battle it was only her standing in the alone with many dead bodies surrounding her as she used her miraculous cure to fix everything. Lives were bought back, destruction was cured everything went back to normal but the memories of watching people die was still there. She tired to ask for help for the Justice League but they took it as joke. Green Lantern took it as a joke. She couldn't to this anymore she had bottle up her emotions for too long. She needed to be defeat the Hawkybitch once in for all.

She need help. Green Lantern thought it was a joke even after calling him ever day for a month so she got no help from the Justice League. 

Talia al Ghul was the only one ready to help and had been waiting for Marinette to accept the deal for 2 years. Marinette denied every time Talia would come up to convince Marinette. Marinette finally decide to see what the deal was. She knew the League of Assassins' was up to no good so she had to be carful with what was gonna do.

She read to the paper of the deal and practically yelled at Talia. The deal said she had to marry the heir of League of Assassins'. Marinette definitely not ready to get married not to stranger who was heir to the League of Assassin'. She declined Talia deal. Talia wasn't gonna take no for an answer. So Talia attacked Marinette. Luckily Marinette escaped with help of Kaalik. Little did she know another plan had entered Talia mind...


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I try to update part to as soon as possible. Hope you liked it

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