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As Jisung got to Chenle's locker there was an note sticked on the outside to j Jisung smiled and opened the note.

Hi, I don't know who you are but your notes are cute and make me smile, could you tell me who you are?

Jisung stared at the note, tell him? He wouldn't accept the fact that it was Jisung. He took a pen and paper from his pocket to write an extra note as an answer to Chenle's.

Chenle skipped to his locker and a smile spread on his face when he opened it. Inside was two letters and a rose.

Hi cutie, I like you a lot, your smile makes the darkest days bright, and your laugh some might find annoying but to me it's the most beautiful thing in the world

I'm sorry but I know you won't accept me so I'd rather just watch from a distance, but one day I hope I will be able to have you by my side

Chenle was blushing like crazy, the j guy had confessed but Chenle didn't know who it was, he would love to know who it was so he could have him in his life. That was when it hit him, what if j wasn't a guy, Chenle is as straight as Donghyuck, the person was a good person but if it wasn't a guy he wouldn't be able to accept the love.

The smile on his face faded, and Jisung who stood a few meters away got worried.

But as on que Renjun came. He saw the sad boy staring at the note.
"Chenle what's wrong?" He asked the younger. "J confessed" "but isn't that good, I thought he made you happy, I know you're not really over Jisung but this is a good chance" he said trying to make the boy happy. "I was happy, but it hit me what was if j isn't a boy" he said eyes falling to the ground. "It's okay don't worry, I'm pretty sure it's a boy, trust me" renjun said sending a wink and walking of to his class right before the bell ringed. Leaving a confused Chenle behind does he know something he thought confused at the older's words.

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