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The sun shined on the boys hugging on the roof. School was nowhere to be found in their minds as all their thoughts were filled with each other.

"Feel like Cinderella naega byeonhae"

Jisung looked at his phone to see who was calling as he broke the hug. It was Jaemin so he answered feeling slightly annoyed as he had ruined their moment.

"Hey Jaemin" he said sounding slightly annoyed.

"Where are you? You just disappear" Jaemin said with a little worry in his voice.

"I'm on the roof" he answered not annoyed anymore as Chenle was holding his hand. Making him a blushing mess.

"What? Why the roof, we were waiting for you at the cafeteria. Renjun is also here he said he can't find Chenle."

Jisung looked at the boy besides him smiling at the cute boy.

"YO GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE WE ARE WAITING" he heard Donghyuck scream from the other side, making both the boys chuckle.

"We're coming" he said hanging up before they could question it.


"Wait what does he mean by we?" Jaemin questioned feeling slightly confused.
All the other boys just shrugging not knowing more than him.

Soon the two boys walked into the cafeteria and up to their friends. Now they all looked at them confused.
"What, when did y'all make up" Renjun asked.
"A few minutes ago" Chenle said sitting down at the table.
Jisung just shrugged sitting down beside him.
They all just stared at the two boys not really understanding anything.

"Hello I'm waiting like spill the tea" Jaemin said sounding frustrated wanting to know everything.

"Well we talked and now we good" Jisung said not feeling like telling him all the details.

"What that's it?" Renjun questioned "so there was nothing more?" Jaemin said earning small nods from both of the boys before continuing. "So your telling me there's no reason why you walked in here holding hands" he looked at them "well I mean still holding hands" Mark added. Neither of the two had realized and immediately let go of their hands. Both blushing like crazy and looking away smiling. "Yeah really nothing" Donghyuck said holding in a laugh.

But lucky for the two blushing boys the bell rang and they hurriedly bid their goodbyes rushing to their classes. They group left behind not being able to hold back their laugh at how the two was acting. "I'm happy they finally made up" Jeno said. "Yeah I've missed eating with you" Renjun said pouting and kissing the cheeks of his boyfriends.

"Yeah yeah we get it love birds" Donghyuck said feeling slightly jealous looking at the oblivious boy besides him. Jaemin noticed it getting an idea "so Donghyuck how's it going with that crush of yours?" He said looking at him. Donghyuck blushed and gave him a slight death glare not noticing the smile that disappeared from marks face. But Jaemin noticed smiling at his little plan. "I-I it's going" was all Donghyuck could say the blush on his face being more visible just making the frown on marks face bigger. Abruptly he stood up leaving the table earning a very confused look from Donghyuck. "Follow him" Jaemin whispered looking at him.

Donghyuck left the table running after his best friend aka crush.
"Mark wait" he shouted at the boy, just to be ignored. He speed up grabbing the older's hand.
"Hey what happened?" He asked worry written all over his face as he saw the tears in the others eyes.
"Nothing" Mark said trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. Turning around walking away. He stopped abruptly when he felt someone hugging him. He wanted to hug the younger back but he was on the verge of crying and he didnt want the other to see. But as he was just about to walk away again he heard a sob. Panicked he turned around hugging the younger. "Haechan what happened, why are you crying?" He was now full of worry not knowing why the younger was crying.

Donghyuck slightly blushed at the nickname he was called. Mark had once given it to him, when asking why Mark had said that it was because he was his sun. That making Donghyuck just fall deeper for the other. But it had been a while since the last time had called him that. The memory making him slightly smile.

He was now crying in the older's arms about to confess. "Haechan what is it you're worrying me" Mark said forgetting about his own problem, the younger being a lot more important. Not being able to take it anymore the shorter blurted out whatever's on his mind.

"Why can't you like me" he said crying, making Mark confused "what do you mean, of course I like you, you're my best friend" he said trying to get the younger to look at him. The words hitting him like a stone he stared crying more not able to hold his emotions in anymore "No I mean the way I like you" his face was buried in marks chest making his word muffled but Mark could still hear him. "Haechan can you please look at me" he said cupping the youngers face making him look at him. "I don't know what you mean by that but I probably don't like you the way you like me" he said while wiping the youngers tears. But his heart was just smashed into pieces, he just wanted to run away tears streaming down his face, but he couldn't cause Mark just hugged him harder.

(I was thinking about leaving you guys on a cliffhanger here, but I would be very mean for that wouldn't I)

"Haechan i don't want you to hate me, but we don't feel the same way. I don't want to ruin our friendship but I have to be honest" Mark paused feeling a weight being lifted from his heart but at the same time it hurt. Donghyuck was ready for what was coming he knew Mark would never like him like that, he had just ruined their friendship. "I just have to tell you and if you hate me after know that I always will be here for you" he felt the tears threatening to fall, and he could feel the boy in his arm shaking.

"I want to be with you all the time, I want to be able to hug you, to kiss you, and fall asleep in your arms. I want to be able to call you mine. I don't want to be your best friend. I love you, I can't stand the thought of you liking someone else, I'm sorry Heachan I love you"

And with that said I feel like I can end this chapter, sort of a cliffhanger and a Markhyuck chapter hihi.
It was soo long ago I updated last but I have had a lot on my mind, but like I feel like this is gonna end soon, and I'm probably gonna update more now cause I have time and no life :)
Hope you enjoyed 💚

The coffee boy | chensung Where stories live. Discover now