chapter 1 " abandoned and killed "

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being killed wouldn't be a pleasant thing for most people, but one could argue that I deserved it. Now you may ask yourself, just how am I staying so calm in such a situation?. well lets just say I've killed so many people in my life I don't even fear death itself and the fact that in my life as a sociopath I was abandoned by my family because of what I was and still am.

As a child I was difficult to handle and as such I was abandoned because they found it strange how I acted and behaved differently from the other kids I played with, they couldn't understand why I behaved like this . . . well that was until they took me to the doctors to be tested, that was when my real nightmare began.


as I walked to my room I could hear my parents fighting, 'but what about?'. I didn't know why they were fighting so me being a curious Individual I was.

I went to my parents door and put my ear on it to ease drop. They didn't stop than in the process of their fight mom out of no where shouted " THAT MONSTER IS NOT MY SON ". than at that very moment, it was like time stopped.

I couldn't breather, my chest began to tighten and my body trembled " what did I do wrong? ". I said out loud covering my mouth only just realising I said that '' huh!? what was that", than without thinking I ran and ran until I reached my room silently crying myself to sleep.

" oh it was nothing " the mom said as she closed the door shut only to argue and fight with her husband.

after countless of hours of fighting they came to the conclusion that they would go to the doctors to let them check their son to see if anything wrong with him to their surprise something was wrong with him.

next morning


" son get up and get ready were going to the doctors " his mother shouted in a unfamiliar tone what most likely sounded like disgust.

" yes mother " I said quickly not wanting to make her any more angrier than she already was from last night.

as I finished getting ready I immediately went down stairs and immediately noticed that they weren't to happy so I just followed them and kept quiet.

when we finally arrived I was some what nervous, but didn't care that much, I have a feeling they would abandon me.

so with a blank mask plastered on my face we finally got to see the doctor and are waiting for the results to come back.

" I'm sorry to say this Mr. and Mrs. jones, but your son has shown signs of possibly being a sociopath and we cannot do anything about it, just keep an eye on him" he said looking at me in pity.

I couldn't say or do anything I was to shocked to even do anything I guess my parents were feeling the same thing as me which I can clearly see it on their faces but that quickly turned to anger and disgust.

so without any more explanation they roughly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car.

In the car nothing was said until we got home.

" get out of my house " 'mother' said in a dark tone. " w-what!?" I said in pure shock, not believing what I've just herd thinking this was all just a nightmare.

"" you heard me GET OUT DEMON" she shouted in pure anger.

I didn't know what to do so I did exactly what she asked me to do, and did so without looking back.

end of flashback

demon, was the one word that stuck to me like glue for all my life every time I killed someone the word demon will forever be stuck in the back of my mind.

so as I was laying their on the cold bloodied floor located in an ally way covered in my blood I knew I had no regrets even if I tried changing everything I would still be the same person.

you know what! I feel as if I have some sort of connection towards the anime fairy tail specifically towards Acnologia you know the dragon king that's killed dragons except in my case I mascaraed an entire city. The shadows than slowly creped towards me and as such I blacked out.

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