Chapter Ten

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You were cheating on Mitsuya, you knew that, of course. The way how your body responded from Ran's touch that night, the way your body shook beneath him, how you moaned his name, and how you begged him for more.

And you were convincing yourself as well that it was your body but not you, it sounded stupid but you did not like that to happen, and you couldn't do anything to stop Ran once he had his hands around your skin.

That could never justify what you did, you were at fault to begin with, and you were aware that was the main reason why you kept on feeling terrible on every passing seconds.

You knew, yet you did not run away from Ran, not that you never tried to, and you badly wanted but you were always hopeless around him.

He got his ways of getting under your pants, he was more dangerous than you had expected him to be, and you needed to get away from him more than anyone else.

It would have been better if you could tell what happened to Mitsuya, but seemed like keeping things from him had become a bad habit of yours.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" pleaded Mitsuya the next morning, your eyes flew at him through the vanity mirror, he was sitting on your bed, "You look bothered," added your boyfriend in a too worried tone, and you looked away from his reflection.

Fixing the turtleneck that you were wearing, you rose to your feet and walked toward him with a huge smile, "I'm just a bit tired from last night," holding his shoulders you told him.

It was true. You were mentally exhausted not to mention how you could still feel how sore you were this morning. "I'm fine," you added assuring him that everything was alright.

Mitsuya then reached for your lower back, softly pulling you closer to him until his face was on your tummy, sniffing and humming against it.

"I thought something bad happened to you last night," worried Mitsuya as he lifted his gaze at you, feeling how your body tensed from his words, you avoided his eyes, "Turns out that you fell asleep in the guest room," he added with a low laugh.

That was what you told him, because once the lights came back, no Toman Leaders were at the Lounge, they were all already upstairs including Hina and Emma.

Taking that chance to go in one of the closest guest room, you cried there until you fell asleep, earlier this morning you saw yourself inside your room alone - covered with sheets, Mitsuya probably found you and brought you back here before driving Hakkai home.

During breakfast, Mitsuya joined you, your Mom and her fiancè. No signs of the Haitani brothers, and you couldn't be more greatful as the day went on without Ran's presence, the next day was the same and it continued throughout the following weeks.

They were nowhere to be found, and you heard nothing about them from the Lovers because they themselves were occupied with all the preparations for their upcoming engagement party.

And not that you were curious of the Brothers' whereabouts. You were actually thankful for their sudden disappearance.

The horrible feeling that Ran had caused you did not leave your mind for almost some days now, and you were feeling the worst. You kept on messing up. With this, and how Ran had treated you so bad that night, not that he had treated you nicely, his actions toward you were always cocky.

You were out with Hina and Emma this afternoon, discussing about what to wear for the upcoming party next week, sure days were rolling too fast and the engagement party of your mom and her partner would be a week from now.

And here you were, not having the same amount of excitement as your friends.

"I sent Mitsuya my body measurement," chatted Emma as she stir her drink with the straw, her lips showed a wide grin.

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