Final Chapter

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The month of September was believed when Japan could be at its most vibrant—flowers bloomed, the crimson leaves floating down the ground; a perfect weather. The sun hovered at the horizon with the skies giving off its blues in contrast of what y/n was feeling today, unlike before when everything around her seemed gloomy; as she felt blue.

Her hands remained touching the moving bump on her tummy, her eyes lit up feeling the little motions happening inside her body, a smile appeared on her lips suddenly recalling how it was tough for her the first few months—and now she was only a week away to her due date.

And today they planned to throw a celebration for her nearing delivery, everything was ready and everyone was already inside—except him, and as she was waiting at the porch of their house she couldn't help but reminisce everything happened the past eight months.

Months earlier during a supposedly great start of her year, y/n had started the rest of the winter season with such a misery making her days colder than it supposed to be-that was what could have been if she was alone, but the life inside her constantly gave her the warmth that accompanied the growing absence within her.

She couldn't thank the heavens enough for giving her the treasure who served as her anchor, and greatest source of strength from all the waves of sufferings that kept on coming at her—the loathe she got from the truth about how she cheated came out as rumors, and the backlash y/n received for carrying a child while still attending school, those days were still clear as day; how the people around her treated her poorly.

Those times transitioned like a flash.

How many times did she wish for god to not give her the chance of waking up? She had no idea for she had lost count already, getting tired with all this happenings she wanted to just sleep—for good.

Their whole household was surprisingly quiet today in contrast of what had been happening the past few days, the Toman Leaders were often hanging out in this house, but for today they came here for another reason and they needed to stay until this afternoon for another different reason-y/n fainted earlier this morning and she just gained her consciousness now.

"I'm so worried," whispered her brother-Kazutora, holding her hand tightly, she did not respond nor give any reaction for she was too numb to even blink.

She remained staring at the emptiness, numbness taking a hold of her body as her mind went on with what happened before she fainted.

Ran left me. Will he come back? I thought he loved me, then why...

And just as she thought that she got no tears left to cry a thumb landed on her cheek wiping the tears that were coming from your eyes that wore nothing but anguish.

"Ssh... Everything's going to be alright y/n," his voice was reassuring but his words fell deaf on her ears, Ran had told him the same thing—and what did she get in return?


She was starting to hate how a person could easily tell those words and giving false hope, was it always that hard to say that everything wasn't going to be fine sooner and to be just simply truthful, it was better than believing that things were going to get better.

"Look at me," added Kazutora when she finally lowered her head, and when the male was just about to say something again the door flew open-revealing Yosano, their family doctor.

"Finally you are awake," she greeted walking closer to her bed, the other men across the room remained seated. They were patiently waiting for their turn to personally check on y/n, they were all sick worried about her condition even after knowing how bad she fucked up-they could never abandon her, she was like a sister to them.

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