The Journey

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A purple portal with a greenish-teal swirl opens up in a quiet library, a figure seems to come through the portal. Karl Jacobs,a time traveler, walks out the portal. The multi-colored sweater-wearing boy walks to a table in the middle of the room and starts to write his experiences of his travels. Once he is done he puts the book in one of the shelves and walks out of the library, closes the door, when he is out of the small hillhouse he decides that he wants to visit a place that he hasn't seen in years, Kinoko Kingdom.

After a pretty long journey he finally made it and it's bigger than he remembers knowing that it only had a couple of buildings, but now it looks like an entire Japanese style kingdom.He Starts walking through and revels in the architecture of the buildings.when he has gotten bored of just looking around he decides that while he is here that he may as well see if Sapnap here if not if not he'll just go find Quackity wherever he is.

He starts to look through each building to see if he can find Sapnap. After looking through almost all of the buildings he still could not find him,but then he notices a tower that is taller than all the other buildings and decides to walk towards the tower-like building. He goes in and is astonished by the beautiful interior of this place, looking at the lovely design Karl wishes that he was there when this place was being built. As he is walking around he finds a staircase it seemed to lead to the top of the tower and by looking at the sign on the wall telling you what is what, he saw on the sign saying that the Main Office of this establishment is on the top floor, so he takes a breath and starts climbing the stairs.

After climbing to the top of the stairs he realizes that he is in a hallway and at the end of the hallway is the Main office so he starts to walk towards it.

As he walks to the door he starts to hear yelling thinking that someone is in danger and starts running to the door. Upon opening the door he sees Sapnap is arguing with someone, and at first he doesn't recognize the person but then he notices the all too familiar navy blue beanie.

"Quackity?" Karl asked questioningly. It seems that both Sapnap and him didn't notice the door was open or that he was even in the room to focus on their argument that they were having.

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