The memory's

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Karl was sitting against a tree that sat in the middle of a grass hill. Legs at his chest with his arms around them, with a tear stained face. He looked at his hand seeing the two rings that occupied his ring finger ‘the only things that have helped me remember them’. He even remembers the very day they got them


“HEY GUYS!” a voice yelled bursting in the small log cabin.

Karl and Quackity, who were both sitting on the couch, jumped with the sudden intrusion.

“Oh..Jesus Sapnap” Quackity said, putting his hand on his chest.

“Oh sorry about that, I was just a little excited,” Sapnap said, a little embarrassed about his out bursted. Shaking it off he decided now to them as to why he almost broke the door when he came in. “Anyway, guess what.” he said excitedly looking at his fiances.

“What?” Karl said questioningly

“Well I have a surprise for the both of you, can you guess what it is” Sapnap said, having both of his hands behind his back

“New goggles?”

“drugs wha- No” The bandana man ( the thing on his characters head is a bandana right?) said looking at the two with a weird expression. Deciding that it was better to just tell them instead of them guessing, because it will just take them forever to get it. “Know what i'll just tell you, I got us these!” he said holding out 6 rings that had to color scheme of dark blue, galaxy purple, and orange

"Woah, rings" Quackity said

"Not just any rings, these are our engagement rings!" Sapnap said, grabbing two of his for himself and then giving each of them two as well.

Looking at the orange and dark blue rings in Karl's hand. He noticed the small letter engraved on it. "Q and S what’s that?"

“Huh oh yeah that's me and Quackity’s initials, if you haven't noticed the initials on the ring relates to the colors we’re most known for. So like Quackity’s is the dark blue one cuz of that you wear, like the one you're wearing right now. The greenish-purple one is Karl’s  because of the mostly purple but multi-colored hoodie and galaxy goggles you wear. Then finally the orange one is mine because, well do I really need to explain” Sapnap explained

“Well if the blue one has my initials one it why do I have yours and Karl’s.” Quackity said, hold up the two rings.

“Well that's the fun of it, each of us have two rings right, and you noticed that you have a ring of two of the others that are in the room but not your own. Like how I have yours and Karl’s but you and Karl have mine,  it is our way of marriage. Signifying that we are all engaged to one another.” Sapnap clarified

“Aww that’s sweet of you Sap” Karl said walking over to Sapnap stood in front of them and give him a big hug, dragging Quackity along to join.

When they break from the hug the trio decided to sit on the sofa and talk about their day or more like random stories of things that happened this past week.

Eyes blurring his vision once more burying his head in his arms Karl cried once more missing how nice and peaceful things were back then knowing that those nice times the three of them shared is long gone. Still caught up in his misery, he didn’t notice that a person has approached him.

“ What’s wrong with you? ”

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