Let's chat

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What's wrong with you?" a voice said, standing over the sobbing boy

Jumping at the sudden voice, Karl looks up, craning his neck in the process, and sees a tall figure. Unable to see the person's face because of a dark shadow that casted over it, making it look like he had a black hole for a face.

Few minutes of silence passed by, the one waiting for a response and the other trying to figure out who was talking to him.

"Hello, can you hear me, I asked you a question" the person said, getting frustrated by the silence.

Snapping out of his daze, Karl looked at the figure again before lowering his head back into his folded arms.

Signing, the person decided to sit down beside him.The two sat in comfortable silence in their own little worlds. Karl at, this point, had stopped crying, eyes burning, and face bright red.

"Now that you have stopped crying like a baby, could you tell me what a guy like you is doing crying their eyes out against a lone tree in the middle of a grass hill, that would probably be a scene in some sort of love story Hallmark movie." The person said, looking at the other boy.

Turning his head, Karl is finally able to get a look at the other, since he is not being blocked by a shadow. The person had short brown curly hair that a white streak in the front. He also had on rounded glasses. He wore a yellow sweater with a brown trench coat and a black jeans, but they looked very tattered like he had got  them stuck in a wood chipper and had to pull them out before they got completely ruined. Then his face, he looked fairly young, like around Karl's, but it seemed that something must have happened to the guy because like 3 quarters of the guy's face is stitched on and is a gecko green color.

'Have I seen this guy before he looks quite familiar?'

Filled with curiosity, Karl decides to break the silence.

"You look familiar, have we met before?" Karl asked, looking curiously at the man.

Laughing slightly, the man said "Oh, So you don't know who I am?" He said, looking at the boy amused.

"Well, I don't know, you do look quite familiar but I can't put my finger on it. I'm I suppose to know who you are?Are you like famous or something?" Karl questioned

"Well, I am famous, just not for a good reason" the other said

"Oh" Karl said, unbending his knees and fiddling with his hoodie strings.

Look up at the afternoon sky, the other says " You know it's weird how you don't remember me, but I remember you, not very well because it was such a long time ago but you know" he said shrugged his shoulders.

"Wait, you know who I am? So we have met before" Karl stated

"Well kinda, we spoke for a bit but things happened and I like never saw you again so, thought you may have moved like Callahan and Alyssa did" the said, crossing his arms and putting them behind his head

'wait before Callahan moved, when did Callahan move? And if I have met him before, why don't I remember it? I would have definitely remembered someone looking like that. He must have been an old dsmp citizen if he knows Callahan, even Alyssa and  I don't even know who that is.'

" You know maybe this will jog your memory" the other said, snapping Karl out of head. Pushing his hand towards the other, opening his hand, that was close around something, it showed a rectangular shaped object with colors of red,white, and blue stripes and black cover with yellow x's. Recognizing the design, Karl gasps.

"L'manburg! You have the L'manburg flag. Wow, I haven't seen this flag in ages, I remember when I  asked if I could join them, but they said that I wasn't british so I couldn't. I also remember when one of L'manburgs founding fathers tried to do in an election, and I remember him talking to me about voting for him. What was his name again? William? Willington?, Oh! I know Wilbur, that it. You know, you kinda look like him, with the hair and the eyes, and the…... voice.. wait, Wilbur? Wilbur soot?" Karl questioned looking at the other with a confused expression.

"Ahh so you do remember me then" Wilbur said smirking slightly

"SO IT IS YOU, wait hold on I heard you died?" Karl said even more confused

"Well I was, but I'm not, as you can see. Plus it's like a long story and I don't feel like explaining it to you, but If you want to know, just ask Tommy, he will." Wil said, putting the tiny pocket sized flag away and going back to crossing his arms behind his head

"Well I guess you changed a lot, well everyone one has, haven't they"

humming in agreement, Wilbur continues to look at the sky. Enjoying the warmth that the sun provides.

"Are you ready to answer my question now?" Wilbur said breaking the silence.

"What question?"

"The one I asked earlier. Why were you crying"

Karl looked at Wilbur conflicted

'Should I tell him? I mean I think he knows Quackity and Sapnap. Maybe he could help'

"Well Im engaged to two people and it wanted to surprise them with a surprise visit, but they were arguing and I thought it was just about something stupid, like when the both argued that time in a game of operation, but it wasn't and the got louder and louder and both thought it was best to break off the wedding" Karl said, tearing up just thinking about it

"Well sounds to me, that they just fell out of love" Wilbur remarked

"How tho? when I left they, had no problems" Karl claimed

"Well from how rare it is to see you in this town. That must have been years ago and during that time the two could have realized that they didn't love each other as much as they thought?" Wilbur responded

'So it because I left, if I hadn't had left we would all still be together. It's my fault"

Silent tears stream down his face, as he startes to cry. Not wanting his face to be seen, he grabs onto Wilbur as tight as he can, him being the only human closest to him, clinging onto him as if he is a koala.

Surprised by the sudden grab, Wilbur doesn't know what to do. Like sure if this was like anyone else he would have said something, but he doesn't know if he could with him. I mean they guy looks so confused about everything and not only that his engagement is falling apart. How would you feel if you were gone for a while and when you come back your whole life is shambles, not very good huh?

Plus he has done nothing to him, Wilbur may have a blackened heart but he's not heartless, so he just sat there and tried to figure out how to get the clinging male off of him.

Or maybe he didn't have to think for long.


I'm back to doing chapters, yay.

Sorry it took so long, I feel as if it's been to long since I did the last chapter so, I made a nice long chapter for you guys.

Also thank you so much for the reads, like 150 WHAT  I didn't expect that.

And 150 may not be that impressive it is to sooo

Oh and one last thing this book is almost over, but I have I another book that writing, so yeah when I post it read it if you want, it's up to you

Alright I'm done with my rambling


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